MPH: Health Policy and Management
Full-Time Two-Year MPH in Health Policy and Management
Students admitted to the Department of Health Policy and Management (HPM) receive a common foundation in the development, implementation, and evaluation of health policies and health systems. The program also evaluates health systems to build knowledge of how national and local organizations can deliver more healthcare at a lower cost. Faculty teach and train students to become leaders in various sectors, including government, nonprofits, hospitals, and the insurance industry.
HPM Certificates
Comparative Effectiveness Outcomes Research (open to HPM and students from other departments)
Health Policy Analysis (limited to HPM students only)
Health Policy and Practice (limited to non-HPM students)
Certificates HPM students can choose certificates offered by other Mailman Departments:
- Environmental Health Policy
- Epidemiology of Chronic Disease
- Global Health
- Health and Human Rights
- Health Communication
- Health of an Aging Society
- History, Ethics, and Law
- Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- Injury Prevention and Control
- Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Social Determinants of Health