
Even though public health is a field of collaboration and teamwork, formal coursework in teamwork and leadership skills was not always a required element of public health education. Recognizing these as essential competencies, the new curriculum incorporates a leadership and innovation program unique among schools of public health into the second semester of the MPH.
This course aims to develop and improve abilities in three key areas: leading teams in a variety of settings, working effectively as a team member, and implementing fresh, innovative ideas within an organization or larger community.
Leadership education is experiential and participatory. Working in small teams, students engage in role play, simulations, group work, and case analysis, sometimes using video and online tools, and receive systematic feedback from faculty and students that mirrors the 360° assessments that students will encounter in the workplace.
Along the way, students learn team management, negotiation, effective communication, and conflict resolution strategies. Hands-on workshops and lectures by invited public health leaders provide opportunities to collaborate with working professionals in hospitals, research centers, public health organizations, NGOs—wherever the career path may lead.