Food Policy
One in five Americans die from the consequences of obesity, and the outlook is getting progressively worse. Children today may be the first generation to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. Being obese or overweight also reduces quality of life, drives up the cost of healthcare, decreases productivity, and slows the upward social mobility of disadvantaged families. While the causes of obesity are myriad, one critical solution lies in effective food policies at the federal, state, and local levels.
Building on our strong capabilities in obesity prevention and food policy, the Mailman School will create a Center for Food Policy that will provide information, analyses, and recommendations for transforming our policies to find a sustainable way to make healthy food accessible to all. In addition to educating future leaders in this field, the School will generate and disseminate knowledge on preserving nutrition and food-related health in concert with other sectors. In a world where food insecurity and obesity-creating food products are proving toxic to both individuals and nations, this knowledge is critical for our future.
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For more information about supporting the School’s Center for Food Policy, including naming opportunities to endow the center and its associated professorships, fellowships, and scholarships, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at