COVID Dashboard Tracks Pandemic in New York City

September 9, 2020

Thanks to effective public health measures, the COVID-19 outbreak is now much less severe in New York City than it was in the spring, although upwards of 100 people still test positive every day. As businesses and schools reopen, however, there is a chance that the coronavirus could reassert itself.

To see the latest information on COVID-19 in the five boroughs, visit the NYC Neighborhoods COVID-19 Dashboard, which tracks daily cases, deaths, and testing for every New York City neighborhood. Developed by Qixuan Chen, associate professor of biostatistics at Columbia Mailman School, and several students, the tool uses data from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to provide visualizations of distributions and trends on cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, along with demographic information, including age, sex, and race/ethnicity, as well as neighborhood characteristics, including demographics and disease burden. A projection feature has also been added as a resource.

The Dashboard shows that on September 8 there were 14 new cases diagnosed in the Flushing/Murray Hill neighborhood of Queens, the most cases citywide. Nearby Corona, Queens, which has seen the most deaths from COVID-19 of any neighborhood, reported 5 new cases. Many other neighborhoods reported no cases. Across the city, the pandemic has disproportionately affected older adults, men, and communities of color. 

“We built this tool to give policymakers and the general public the ability to get timely information about COVID-19 in New York City—information which may prove important as schools reopen,” says Chen. “It also allows researchers to study the disparate impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations or neighborhoods.”

Additional COVID-19 Dashboards and Projections

Our team of professors, scientists and researchers have been hard at work to help officials control the COVID-19 pandemic, both in New York and nationwide. Read up on our research and projects for a full list of contributions from the Mailman faculty.