APHA, Days 3 & 4
To Nollywood & Farewell Chicago
Day 3: A Trip to Nollywood (Theories in tow)
Highlight on sessions:
We split up again to attend several sessions relating to our personal theses and interests, but we came back together for our last session: Mass Media and Pop Culture in Health Communication. It was one of our favorites.
The five presenters discussed innovative ways that pop culture and media are used in health communication campaigns and how health information through pop culture can impact public health outcomes. Each of the presenters mentioned theories utilized in their research, which brought us back to our days in Marita Murrman’s Theories in Public Health course.
Seeing how these health behavior theories are put to action solidified our understanding of the importance of using theory to inform practice. One of the presenters, Babafunke Fagbemi, came all the way from Nigeria to present on Nollywood’s “Newman Street” health education television drama.
Day 4: Farewell Chicago
Highlight on Chicago:
Before our flight left for New York, we explored the fabulous city of Chicago in the morning. We were welcomed with unseasonably warm, 70 degree weather, and managed to fit in a visit to the famous Chicago Bean (actually named the Cloud) at Millennium Park, a stroll down Michigan Avenue, and an exhibit from the Chicago Architecture Biennial with a focus on sustainable building at the Chicago Cultural Center.
What we took away:
We were happy that we were able to fit in all the aspects of APHA that we wanted to experience. From hearing the Surgeon General to networking and attending sessions, we feel optimistic about the field and the hands in which the public’s health lies. Being in this environment solidified our desires and commitment to work towards the Healthiest Generation in One Generation.
For more information on the meeting itself check out the website. Also feel free to reach out to the three of us with any questions or comments.
Signing off from the Land of Lincoln, it has truly been a pleasure.
By Samantha Herbert, Veronica Junghahn, and Jillian Racoosin
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