Sociomedical Sciences

The thirty-credit MS in Sociomedical Sciences degree trains students to apply social science theories, concepts, and methods to public health practice and policy making. The program offers coursework in anthropology, ethics, history, psychology, and sociology, along with a wide range of public health topics and methods. Students can customize a program that reflects a particular disciplinary focus or can craft a more interdisciplinary course of study.

Course of Study

The course of study consists of thirty credits and a master’s thesis, and is designed to be completed in either full-time (two semesters) or part-time (three or more semesters). This program is appropriate for undergraduate students seeking preparation for doctoral study in the social sciences, and those who are interested in public health training but do not wish to pursue an MPH; mid-career professionals with health-related interests in fields such as nursing, medicine, health policy, bioethics, journalism, and law; and postdoctoral students seeking to enhance their training by gaining additional analytic tools for public health policy making.

Learn More

View competencies, course requirements, sample schedules, and more in our Academics section. 


Prof Christian Gloria(link sends e-mail)
Deputy Chair Master's Programs