Tracie Seimon, PhD

Columbia University & Wildlife Conservation Society
Phone: 212.342.9051
Fax: 212.342.9044
Email: sends e-mail)


University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO, BA, 1997
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2003


Tracie is currently working as a joint postdoctoral research fellow at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Center for Infection and Immunity.  She conducts amphibian chytrid screening for the zoological collection and various WCS field-based research projects, and she is training at CII in advanced technologies for pathogen detection.  Her interests include:

Climate change, chytridiomycosis, and amphibian decline
Avian malaria
Diagnostic screening and identification of emerging and zoonotic pathogens in wildlife
Macrophage biology, innate immunity, and apoptosis


Global Change and Conservation

  • Seimon T.A.  Global warming from a frog’s perspective: A call for immediate action.  Acta Zoologica Lilloana. In press.
  • Halloy S, Yager K, García C, Beck S, Carilla J, Tupayachi A, Jácome J, Isela Meneses R, Farfán J, Seimon A, Seimon T, Rodriguez P, Cuello S, Grau A.   South America: Climate monitoring and adaptation integrated across regions and disciplines. In Settele, J. (ed.), Atlas of Biodiversity Risks - from Europe to the globe, from stories to maps. Sofia & Moscow: Pensoft. In press
  • Seimon A, Yager K, Seimon T, Schmidt S, Grau A, Beck S, García C, Tupayachi A, Sowell P, Touval J, and Halloy S. Changes in Biodiversity Patterns in the High Andes - Understanding the Consequences and Seeking Adaptation to Global Change, (2009) Mountain Forum Bulletin, Volume IX Issue 2, pp 25-27.
  • Von May R., Catenazzi A., Angulo A., Brown J.L., Carrillo J., Chávez G., Córdova J., Curo A., Delgado A., Enciso M.A., Gutiérrez R., Lehr E., Martínez J.L., Medina-Müller M., Miranda A., Neira D.R., Ochoa J.A., Quiroz A.J., Rodríguez D.A., Rodríguez L.O., Salas A.W., Seimon T.A. Seimon A., Siu-Ting K., Suárez J., Torres C., Twomey E.   Current state of conservation knowledge on threatened amphibian species in Peru. (2008) Tropical Conservation Science, Vol. 1(4): 376-396.
  • Seimon T.A., Seimon A., Daszak P., Halloy S., Schloegel L. M., Aguilar C. A., Sowell P., Hyatt A., Konecky B., and Simmons J. Upward range extension of Andean anurans and chytridiomycosis to extreme elevations in response to tropical deglaciation. (2007) Global Change Biology, Vol.13: 288-299.
  • Seimon, A., Halloy S.R.P., Seimon T.A.  Comment on “Recent observation of a proliferation of Ranunculus trichophyllus Chaix. in high-altitude lakes of the Mount Everest region” (2007) Artic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, Vol. 39, No.2: 340-341.
  • Seimon T.A.,  Hoernig G., Sowell P., Halloy S., Seimon A..  Identification of Chytridiomycosis in Telmatobius marmoratus at 4,450 m in the Cordillera Vilcanota of Southern Peru. (2005)  In: E. O. Lavilla and I. De la Riva, (eds.), Studies on the Andean Frogs of the Genera Telmatobius  and Batrachophrynus, pp. 275-283. Asociación Herpetológica Española, Monografías de Herpetología, Valencia, Spain.

Biomedical Research

  • Seimon T.A., Kim M-J., Blumenthal A., Koo J., Ehrt S., Wainwright H., Bekker L-G., Kaplan G., Nathan C., Tabas I., Russell D. G.  Induction of ER stress in macrophages of tuberculosis granulomas.  Submitted.
  • Seimon T.A., Liao X., Magallon J., Nguyen M., Witztum J.L., Tsimikas S., Moore K.J., Golenbock D, Tabas I.A.  Atherosclerosis-relevant CD36 ligands trigger Toll-like receptor 2-dependent apoptosis in macrophages undergoing endoplasmic reticulum stress (2010)  Cell Metabolism.  In press.
  • Yvan-Charvet L., Paglar T., Seimon T.A., Thorp E., Welch C.L., Witztum J.L., Tabas I., Tall A.R., ABCA1 and ABCG1 protect against oxidative stress-induced macrophage apoptosis during efferocytosis. (2010) Circulation Research, Jun 25;106(12):1861-9.
  • Seimon T.A., Wang Y., Han S., Senokuchi T., Kuriakose G., Tall A., Tabas I.  Deficiency of p38 MAPK in macrophages promotes apoptosis and plaque necrosis in advanced atherosclerotic lesions in mice. (2009) Journal of Clinical Investigation, Apr; 119(4):886-98.

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