Suzue Saito, PhD is an epidemiologist and data science expert with 20 years of experience working collaboratively with across multiple countries in designing and implementing 1) surveillance and epidemiological studies using routinely collected health service data from public health programs, 2) HIV-focused population-based household surveys, 3) health information systems to facilitate efficient and effective use of health services data, and 4) implementation science and program evaluation studies, focusing on evaluating effectiveness of public health interventions.
Academic Appointments
- Assistant Professor of Epidemiology (in ICAP) at CUMC
Administrative Titles
- Director of Strategic Information Unit at ICAP at Columbia University
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- BA, 1998 University of Hawaii
- MA, 2000 Columbia University
- MIA, 2003 Columbia University
- PhD, 2018 Columbia University
Selected Publications
1. S Wallach, S Saito, H Nuwagaba-Birbonwoha, Lenhle Dube, Matthew Lamb. Synthetic Controls for implementation Science: Opportunities for Program Evaluation Using Routinely Collected Data. Current HIV/AIDS reports. Published online March 13 2024 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11904-024-00695-z
2. S Jonnalagadda, K Yuengling, E Abrams, P Stupp, Andrew Voetsch, Monita Patel, Z Minisi, M Eliya; N Hamunime; A Rwebembera; W Kirungi, L Mulenga; A Mushavi, C Ryan; M Ts'oeu, E Kim; EJ Dziuban, K Hageman, J Galbraith, K Mweebo, A Mwila; E Gonese, H Patel, S Modi, S Saito. “Survival and HIV-free Survival among Children Aged three Years or Younger in Eight Sub-Saharan African Countries” MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly May 15, 2020, 69(19);582–586.
3. S Saito, H Chung, M Mahy, et al. Pediatric HIV treatment gaps in seven East and Southern African Countries: Examination of modeled data, survey data, and routine program data, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2018;78:S134–S141.
4. Saito S, Howard AA, Chege D, Ellman TM, Ahoua L, Elul B, and Rabkin M. (2015). Monitoring quality at scale: implementing quality assurance in a diverse, multicountry HIV program. AIDS, 29 (Suppl 2):S129–S136. PMID: 26102623
5. Saito S, Mpofu P, Carter EJ, Diero L, Wools-Kaloustian KK, Yiannoutsos CT, Musick BS, Tsiouris S, Somi GR, Ssali J, Nash D, Elul B. (2015). Declining Tuberculosis incidence among people receiving HIV care and treatment services in East Africa 2007-2012. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. Nov. PMID: 26565714
6. Saito S, Howard AA, Reid MJA, Elul B, Scardigli A, Verkuijl1 S, Nyaruhirira AU, Nash D. (2012). TB diagnostic capacity in sub-Saharan African HIV care settings J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr., 61(2):216-220. PMID: 22732465
7. Saito S, Wu Y, Nankabirwa V, Nash D (2012). The contribution of antenatal care to the coverage and correlates of recent HIV testing among HIV-positive and HIV-negative adults in Zimbabwe 2005-2006: Results from a national population-based survey. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 23: 308-315. PMCID: PMC3422888