Applied Practice Experience (APEx)

The Applied Practice Experience (APEx) is a unique opportunity for Columbia MPH students in our two-year program. Through this fieldwork, students apply their classroom knowledge and skills both domestically and internationally. Here are some of our PopFam student spotlights.

Aman Saiju, Dual degree - MPH/MS Bioethics

"Through events and communal spaces, I have had the opportunity to engage in discussion with an incredible range of people and perspectives that will guide my approach to health and care provision moving forward."

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MPH student Aman Saiju, a dual degree student pursuing an MPH/MS in Bioethics has been collaborating with the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC) Community Outreach and Education Office (COE) to evaluate the DISRUPT Community Scientist Institute program. His goal is to educate community members about cancer research processes and methodologies. By doing so, he empowers them to represent their communities through their research, join Community Advisory Boards, or participate in Institutional Review Boards. His work aims to contribute to the targeted adaptation of the program to sustainably and equitably meet the evolving needs of the community.  

Connecting with community members is the highlight of his journey. Through events and communal spaces, Aman has engaged with a diverse range of people and perspectives, guiding his approach to health and care provision. For him, the wisdom, knowledge, and experiences shared have emphasized celebrating and elevating those he is surrounded by.   

Aman is incredibly grateful to Nicole Bayne, the COE team, and Dr. Mary Beth Terry for supporting this goal and providing invaluable hands-on community health experience.