Angela Aidala, PhD
- Associate Research Scientist, Sociomedical Sciences

Academic Appointments
- Associate Research Scientist, Sociomedical Sciences
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- BA, 1967 Miami (Ohio) University
- PhD, 1980 Columbia University
Committees, Societies, Councils
Editorial Boards
Editorial Board, AIDS & Behavior
Honors & Awards
William Foote Whyte Distinguished Contribution Award for Sociological Practice and Public Sociology, 2017
Champion in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS. Awarded by Iris House, New York, NY 2015
Key Award Honoring Compassionate Leaders in the Fight to End AIDS and Homelessness. Presented by Bailey House, New York, NY 2012
Best Article of 1999: In the Wake of Desegregation. Awarded by the American Planning Association
Talmon International Prize for Scholarship in Family, Religion or Community
Research Interests
- Biostatistical Methods
- Community Health
- Food Policy and Obesity
- Global Health
- Incarceration Prevention
- Maternal and Reproductive Health
- Mental Health
- Public Health Education
- Substance Use
- Urban Health
Selected Publications
Aidala AA, Cavaliere B, Cinnick S. Strategies and Tools for Public Health Workforce Training Needs Assessments in Diverse and Changing Population Health Contexts. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 25 (5) 490-497 2019
Aidala AA, Yomogida M, Leigh J. Food Insecurity and HIV/AIDS. R DiClemente and R Crosby (Eds). Structural Interventions for HIV Prevention: Optimizing Strategies for Reducing New Infections and Improving Care. Oxford University Press. 2018
Aidala AA, Wilson MG, Shubert V, Gogolishvili D, Globerman J, Rueda S, Bozack AK, Caban M, Rourke SB. Housing Status, Medical Care, and Health Outcomes Among People Living With HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Public Health. 2016 Jan;106(1):e1-23.
Holtgrave DR, Wolitski RJ, Pals SL, Aidala A, Kidder DP, Vos D, Royal S, Iruka N, Briddell K, Stall R, Bendixen AV. Cost-Utility Analysis of the Housing and Health Intervention for Homeless and Unstably Housed Persons Living with HIV. AIDS & Behavior 17(5) 1626-1631, 2013
Wolitski RJ, Kidder DP, Pals SL, Royal S, Aidala A, Stall R, Holtgrave DR, Harre D, Courtney-Quick C. Randomized Trial of the Effects of Housing Assistance on the Health and Risk Behaviors of Homeless and Unstably Housed People Living with HIV. AIDS & Behavior 13(6):1222-32, 2010
Aidala, AA., and Sumartojo, E. Why housing? AIDS & Behavior 11 (S2): S1-S6, 2007
Aidala AA, Lee G, Abramson DA, Messeri P, Siegler A. Housing need, housing assistance, and connection to HIV medical care. AIDS & Behavior 11(S2) S101-115 2007
Aidala A, Cross J, Stall R, Sumartojo E, Harre D. Housing status and HIV risk behaviors: Implications for prevention and policy. AIDS & Behavior 9(3) 251-265 2005
Urban Health Activities
Community Health Advisory & Information Network Project: Dr. Aidala is Principal Investigator and Study Director of the Community Health Advisory & Information Network (CHAIN) Project, an ongoing study of persons living with HIV or at high risk of infection in New York City. CHAIN is conducted in collaboration with the HIV Planning Council and the New York Health Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Each year multiple reports are written, responding to the questions, interests, and priorities of the DOHMH and the Planning Council and its workgroups. To date, over 200 reports have been written examining a range of topics with focus on unmet health and social service needs, trends in service utilization, and various outcomes among multiple CHAIN cohorts. CHAIN has been a major source of service planning data for the City since 1994. All reports are available at no cost and widely distributed to provider, advocacy, and consumer communities.
Frequent Users of Services Enhancement ( FUSE) Evaluation: Dr. Aidala was the Principal Investigator for the New York City, Frequent Users of Services Enhancement ( FUSE) Evaluation. FUSE is a supportive housing intervention for homeless re-entry populations with multiple episodes of homelessness and incarceration, FUSE in an interagency initiative implemented by the New York City Departments of Correction (DOC), Homeless Services (DHS) and Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), in collaboration with the Corporation for Supportive Housing and local housing providers. Evaluation results have informed expansion of housing initiatives for formerly incarcerated individuals with multiple needs in New York and nationally. Dr. Aidala continues her involvement as a consultant on evaluation of FUSE initiatives, and the importance of housing services to facilitate successful community return from incarceration.