My main research interests lie at the interface between statistics and genomics. I am particularly interested in developing statistical and machine learning methods for the analysis of high-dimensional genetic and functional genomics data. I am also involved in applications of such methods to understand the genetic basis of complex diseases and traits, including autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Appointments
- Professor of Biostatistics
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- PhD, 2006 Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
Editorial Boards
Associate Editor, Biometrics
Associate Editor, Statistics in Biosciences
Honors & Awards
Janet Fabri Prize, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2007
Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, New York University, 2005-2006
Research Interests
- Chronic disease
- Genetics
- Global Health
Selected Publications
I Ionita-Laza, NM Laird On the optimal design of genetic variant discovery studies Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 2010
I Ionita-Laza, J Buxbaum, N Laird and C Lange A new testing strategy to identify rare variants with either risk or protective effect on disease PloS Genetics 2011
Iuliana Ionita-Laza, Christoph Lange, Nan Laird On a method to count the number of unseen variants in the human genome Proc Natl Acad Sci 106 5008-5013 2009
David Fardo, Iuliana Ionita-Laza, Christoph Lange On quality control measures in genome-wide association studies: A test to assess the genotyping quality of individual probands in family-based association studies and an application to the HapMap data Plos Genetics 2009
Lars Bertram, Christoph Lange et al., Iuliana Ionita-Laza, et al. R Tanzi Genome-wide Association Analysis Reveals Putative Alzheimer's Disease Susceptibility Loci in Addition to APOE American Journal of Human Genetics 83 623-632 2008
Jinbo Fan*, Iuliana Ionita-Laza*, et al., Nan Laird, Jordan Smoller Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping of the Chromosome 6q21-22.31 Bipolar I Disorder Susceptibility Locus Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2009
Iuliana Ionita-Laza, Nan Laird, Benjamin Raby, Scott Weiss, Christoph Lange On the frequency of copy number variants Bioinformatics 24 2350-2355 2008
Iuliana Ionita-Laza, Angela Rogers, Christoph Lange, Benjamin Raby, Charles Lee Genetic association analysis of copy number variation in human disease pathogenesis Genomics 93 22-26 2009
Iuliana Ionita-Laza, George Perry, Benjamin Raby, Barbara Klanderman, Charles Lee, Nan Laird, Scott Weiss, Christoph Lange On the analysis of copy-number variations in genome-wide association studies: A translation of the family-based association test Genetic Epidemiology 32 273-284 2008
Iuliana Ionita-Laza, Matthew McQueen, Nan Laird, Christoph Lange Genomewide Weighted Hypothesis Testing in Family-Based Association Studies, with an Application to a 100K Scan American Journal of Human Genetics 81 607-614 2007
Iuliana Ionita, Raul-Sam Daruwala, Bud Mishra Mapping Tumor Suppressor Genes using Multipoint Statistics from Copy-Number Variation Data American Journal of Human Genetics 79 13-22 2006
Iuliana Ionita, Shaw-Hwa Lo Multilocus Linkage Analysis of Affected Sib Pairs Human Heredity 60 227-240 2005