Jeremy Kane, PhD, MPH

  • Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
  • Faculty of the Department of Epidemiology
  • Faculty Steering Committee of Columbia University Global Mental Health Programs
Profile Headshot


Dr. Kane is a psychiatric epidemiologist with research interests in global mental health, substance and alcohol use epidemiology, and adolescent health. His research investigates mental health and substance use problems among populations affected by violence and HIV in low- and middle-income countries and also explores the impacts of culture and migration on mental and behavioral health among refugee and immigrant populations living in the United States. This research program is implemented in close collaboration with academic institutions, non-governmental and international organizations, and government agencies in an effort to: 1) measure the prevalence, patterns, and correlates of mental health, alcohol, and substance use problems among these populations, 2) develop and validate innovative methods for reliable and valid measurement of mental health, alcohol and substance use problems, and 3) develop, adapt, and test interventions to address these problems through randomized controlled trials and implementation studies. He currently teaches EPID 8479 Epidemiologic Methods in Global Mental Health.

Academic Appointments

  • Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
  • Faculty of the Department of Epidemiology
  • Faculty Steering Committee of Columbia University Global Mental Health Programs

Credentials & Experience

Education & Training

  • BS, 2006 University of Pittsburgh
  • MPH, 2009 Emory University
  • PhD, 2015 Johns Hopkins University


Research Interests

  • Biostatistical Methods
  • Child and Adolescent Health
  • Chronic disease
  • Community Health
  • Global Health
  • Mental Health
  • Substance Use

Selected Publications

Murray, L.K., Kane, J.C., Glass, N., Skavenski van Wyk, S., Melendez, F., Paul, R., Danielson, C.K., Murray, S.M., Mayeya, J., Simenda, F., & Bolton, P. (2020). Effectiveness of the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) in reducing intimate partner violence and hazardous alcohol use in Zambia (VATU): a randomized controlled trial. PLoS Medicine.

Greene, M.C., Ventevogel, P., & Kane, J.C. (2019). Substance use services for refugees. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 27(4): 245-308.

Kane, J.C., Elafros, M.A., Murray, S.M., Mitchell, E.M.H., Augustinavicius, J.L., Causevic, S., & Baral, S.D. (2019). A scoping review of health-related stigma outcomes for high-burden diseases in low-and middle-income countries. BMC Medicine, 17: 17.

Kane, J.C., Vinikoor, M.J., Haroz, E.E., Al-Yasiri, M., Bogdanov, S., Mayeya, J., Simenda, F., & Murray, L.K. (2018). Mental health comorbidity in low- and- middle-income countries: A call for improved measurement and treatment. Lancet Psychiatry. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30301-8

Kane, J.C., Bolton, P., Murray, S.M., Lakin, D., Bass, J.K., Whetton, K., Skavenski-van Wyk, S.S., & Murray, L.K. (2018). Psychometric evaluation of HIV risk behavior assessments using Audio Computer Assisted Self-Interviewing (ACASI) among orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia. AIDS Care, 30(2), 160-167.

Kane, J.C., Skavenski van Wyk, S., Murray, S.M., Bolton, P., Melendez, F., Danielson, C.K., Munthali, S., & Murray, L.K. (2017). Testing the effectiveness of a transdiagnostic treatment approach in reducing violence and alcohol abuse among families in Zambia: Study protocol of the Violence and Alcohol Treatment (VATU) trial. Global Mental Health, 4, e18.

Kane, J.C., Luitel, N.P., Jordans, M.J.D., Kohrt, B.A., Weissbecker, I. & Tol, W.A. (2017). Mental Health and Psychosocial Problems in the Aftermath of the Nepal Earthquakes: Findings from a Representative Cluster Sample Survey. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences., epub 1-10. doi: 10.1017/S2045796016001104

Kane, J.C., Murray, L., Bass, J.K., Johnson, R., & Bolton, P. (2016). Validation of a substance and alcohol use assessment measure among orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia using Audio Computer Self-Interviewing (ACASI). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 166, 85-92.

Kane, J.C., Adaku, A., Nakku, J., Odokonyero, R., Okello, J., Musisi, S., Alderman, S., & Tol, W.A. (2016). Challenges for the implementation of World Health Organization guidelines on treatment of mental health problems specifically related to stress: A qualitative study in Uganda. Implementation Science, 11(36): doi:10.1186/s13012-016-0400-z

Kane, J.C., Ventevogel, P., Spiegel, P., Bass, J.K, van Ommeren, M., & Tol, W.A (2014). Mental, neurological, and substance use problems among refugees in primary health care: analysis of the Health Information System in 90 refugee camps. BMC Medicine, 12: 228. doi:10.1186/s12916-014-0228-9