Academic Appointments
- Adjunct Associate Professor of Population and Family Health
Selected Publications
Stark, L., Asghar, K., Yu, G., Bakomere, T., Assazenew, A., Falb, K. (2017). Prevalence and associated risk factors of violence against conflict-affected adolescents: A multi country, cross-sectional study. Journal of Global Health, 7(1).
Stark, L., Asghar, K., Meyer, S., Yu, G., Bakemore, T., Poulton, C., Falb, K. (2017). The effect of gender norms on the association between violence and low hope among girls in the DRC. Global Mental Health, 4(e1).
Stark, L., Plotsky, W., Horne, R. and Canavera, M. (2015). He always thinks he is nothing": The impact of discrimination on adolescent refugees in Uganda. Social Science and Medicine, 146, 173-181.
Stark, L, Warner, A., Lehman, H., Boothby, N., Ager, A. (2013). Measuring the incidence and reporting of violence against women and girls in Liberia using the "Neighborhood Method". Conflict and Health, 7(20).
Stark, L. and Wessells, M. (2012). Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War. JAMA, 308(7).
Stark, L. and Ager, A. (2011). A systematic review of prevalence studies of gender based violence in complex emergencies. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 12(3), pp. 127 - 134.
Stark, L. Roberts, L., Acham, A., Boothby, N., Ager, A. (2010). Measuring violence against women amidst war and displacement in northern Uganda. The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 64(12).
Ager, A., Stark, L., Akesson, B., Boothby, N. (2010). Defining best practice in care and protection of children in crisis-affected settings: A delphi study [of expert practitioners]. Child Development, 81(4).
Stark, L., Boothby, N., Ager, A. 2009. Children and fighting forces: Ten years on from Cape Town. Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies Policy and Management, 33(4).
Stark, L., Ager, A., Wessells, M. & Boothby, N. 2009. Developing culturally relevant indicators of reintegration for girls formerly associated with armed groups in Sierra Leone using a participative ranking methodology. Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counseling in Areas of Armed Conflict, 7(1) .