Moise Desvarieux, MD, PhD, MPH

  • Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Profile Headshot


Dr Desvarieux is a multi-morbidity epidemiologist straddling the fields of chronic and infectious disease. Over the past 25 years, he has had substantial experience in population health, in follow-up of hard-to-reach populations as well as coordinating analysis of large multi-center datasets. He started his career as an Epidemiologist for the Cornell University Infectious Diseases Research Unit in Haiti, mostly focused on HIV and tuberculosis. At Columbia, he was the co-Principal Investigator of a CDC-funded grant evaluating the impact of the initiation of directly observed therapy for tuberculosis for the 209 US cities over 100,000 inhabitants over a 15-year period.  Building on his infectious disease vantage point, he then straddled the field of chronic disease as PI of the NIH-funded INVEST cohort investigating the contribution of periodontal microbiota and low-grade inflammation to cardiovascular disease risk, since its inception in 2000. He contributed significantly to this line of research in the US as well as internationally as Principal Investigator of the NIH- funded planning grant on Oral Infections and Vascular Risk in Seven Countries. He has been the recipient of a Chair of Excellence by the French Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, INSERM to conduct comparative studies on chronic infections/inflammation and vascular disease internationally, and as such, he served as PI of the INNOVATE consortium (International Network on Oral and Vascular Disease in Transatlantic and European cohorts).  He logically extended his research, collaboratively, to other chronic conditions such as neurological disease and diabetes, as well as to investigation of the contribution of HIV-related inflammatory imbalance to the increased vascular risk.  More recently, Dr. Desvarieux was asked to be the PI of the EURECCCA Real-World Evidence consortium originally covering 13 countries and coalescing electronic health records  (EHR) and real-world data (RWD) data-sources, clinical, private, public and research platforms, enabling collaboration and communication using understandable language, harmonizing and investigating differences and similarities to determine nodes of intervention for improvement in care/health policy. The goal is to advance management of complex chronic conditions, contribute to personalized health, provide both practical predictive algorithms and a platform for emulated trials for multimorbidity, reflecting the complexity of patients' lives. He co-directs (with Philippe Ravaud) the Columbia-INSERM International Associated Laboratory on Chronic Disease, with Fellows dedicated to research on methodology aimed at harnessing of RWD for public health, including recently long COVID. Dr. Desvarieux has a track-record of successfully engaging in large collaborative groups from diverse backgrounds, addressing questions of import for public health.

Academic Appointments

  • Associate Professor of Epidemiology

Credentials & Experience

Education & Training

  • MD, 1986 Faculte de Medecine, Université d'Etat d'Haiti
  • DMM, 1989 The Pasteur Institute, Paris
  • MPH, 1991 Columbia University
  • PhD, 1998 Columbia University

Committees, Societies, Councils

Co-Director, Columbia Mailman-INSERM International Associated Laboratory (IAL) on Multi-Morbidity

Honors & Awards

Chair of Excellence, Institut de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 2005

Leadership in Research Award, Friends of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, NIH, 2005

Selected by the French Ministry of Health as International Jury Member charged with recommending new national Hepatitis B vaccination policy for France, 2003

Nominated by the University of Minnesota to the Howard Hughes Investigator National competition, Howard Hughes Research Institute, United States, 2000


Addressing multi-morbidity requires breaking traditional care and research silos, involving patients as chronic actors of their own lives and utilizing routine integrated technologies for prevention and management.

Research Interests

  • Biostatistical Methods
  • Chronic disease
  • Community Health
  • Global Health
  • Infectious Diseases

Selected Publications

Tran VT, Riveros C, Clepier B, Desvarieux M, Collet C, Yordanov Y, Ravaud P. Development and validation of the long covid symptom and impact tools, a set of patient-reported instruments constructed from patients' lived experience. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Apr 29:ciab352. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciab352. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33912905

Wu F, Chen Y, Demmer RT, Parvez F, Paul RR, Shaheen I, Sarwar G, Ahmed A, Eunus M, Ahsan N, Habibullah NM, Islam T, Rundek T, Ahsan H, Desvarieux M. Periodontal diseases and carotid intima-media thickness in Bangladesh. J Clin Periodontol. 2016 Nov;43(11):909-917.

Desvarieux M, Demmer RT, Jacobs DR, Papapanou PN, Sacco RL, Rundek T. Changes in clinical and microbiological periodontal profiles relate to progression of carotid intima-media thickness: the Oral Infections and Vascular Disease Epidemiology study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Oct 28;2(6):e000254.

Desvarieux M, Boccara F, Meynard JL, Bastard JP, Mallat Z, Charbit B, Demmer RT, Haddour N, Fellahi S, Tedgui A, Cohen A, Capeau J, Boyd A, Girard PM. Infection duration and inflammatory imbalance are associated with atherosclerotic risk in HIV-infected never-smokers independent of antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 2013 Oct 23;27(16):2603-14.

Rundek T, Blanton SH, Bartels S, Dong C, Raval A, Demmer RT, Cabral D, Elkind MS, Sacco RL, Desvarieux M. Traditional risk factors are not major contributors to the variance in carotid intima-media thickness. Stroke. 2013 Aug;44(8):2101-8. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.000745. Epub 2013 May 23.

Desvarieux M, Demmer RT, Rundek T, Boden-Albala B, Jacobs DR Jr, Sacco RL, Papapanou PN Periodontal Microbiota and Carotid Intima-Media thickness: The Oral Infections and Vascular Disease Epidemiology Study (INVEST). Circulation. 111 576-582 2005

Cerda M, Paczkowski M, Galea S, Nemethy K, Pean C, Desvarieux M. Psychopathology in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake: a population-based study of posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression. Depress Anxiety. 2013 May;30(5):413-24.

Demmer RT, Squillaro A, Papapanou PN, Rosenbaum M, Friedewald WT, Jacobs DR Jr, Desvarieux M. Periodontal infection, systemic inflammation, and insulin resistance: results from the continuous National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2004. Diabetes Care. 2012 Nov;35(11):2235-42.

Fitzgerald DW, Desvarieux M, Severe P, Joseph P, Johnson Fr WD, Pape JW Effect of post-treatment isoniazid on prevention of recurrent tuberculosis in HIV-1-infected individuals: a randomised trial Lancet 356 1470-1474. 2000

Demmer RT, Zuk AM, Rosenbaum M, Desvarieux M. Prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus among US adolescents: results from the continuous NHANES, 1999-2010. Am J Epidemiol. 2013 Oct 1;178(7):1106-13.

Global Health Activities

EURECCCA Consortium for Real-World Evidence for Complex Chronic Conditions Advances , Brazil, France, Chile, Colombia, Israel, South-Africa, Israel, Senegal, Slovenia, Spain, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Lithuania, USA: Dr. Desvarieux has been serving as the Coordinating PI of the Real-World Evidence consortium originally comprising 11 European countries (Slovenia, Spain, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Lithuania, France) Chile and the US (Columbia). The goal of this Consortium platform is to coalesce electronic health records (EHR) and real-world data (RWD) sources, clinical, private, public and research platforms, enabling collaboration and communication using understandable language, harmonizing and investigating differences and similarities to determine nodes of intervention for improvement in care/health policy. The desired vision is to advance management of complex chronic conditions, contribute to personalized health, provide both practical predictive algorithms and a platform for emulated trials for multi-morbidity. This platform proved very useful in answering calls for SARS-CoV-2 infections/variants and long COVID and has been extended collaboratively to other Institutiions in the US and abroad (South Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Senegal). This modulable collaborative platform and research network now offers the potential of looking at EHR across 52 ongoing and 4 novel cohorts in locations spanning 22 sites in 18 countries across 4 continents.

Urban Health Activities

Oral Infections and Vascular Disease Epidemiology Study (INVEST): This project aims to assess and quantify the role of chronic oral infections in the progression of atherosclerosis and vascular disease in the tri-ethnic population of Northern Manhattan. 1056 subjects were randomly selected from Northern Manhattan and are being followed with an extensive infectious and inflammatory profile related to their periodontal infections and an evaluation of their vascular status (atherosclerosis, heart attacks, stroke) over a period of 10 years.