Monette Zard

  • Adjunct Associate Professor of Population and Family Health
Profile Headshot


Monette Zard is the Allan Rosenfield Associate Professor of Forced Migration and Health and the Director of the Forced Migration and Health Program in the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health.  She is an expert on forced migration and human rights, and her career has spanned the fields of policy, advocacy and philanthropy. She has served as the Global Human Rights Program Officer at the Ford Foundation in New York and as Research Director at the International Council on Human Rights Policy in Geneva, Switzerland, a think tank focused on applied human rights research. Her work there explored issues of political violence and the human rights obligations of armed groups, economic and social rights and human smuggling. From 2000-2003, she was a Policy Analyst at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington D.C. and held a visiting research fellowship in law at the Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University. Prior to that, she directed the international refugee work of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, during which time her work focused on the use of legal strategies to strengthen refugee protection in Africa as well as the particular issue of how international law should deal with refugees and asylum-seekers accused of committing serious international crimes. She has consulted on international human rights and forced migration issues for a number of organizations including Amnesty International, the Brookings Institute, Human Rights Watch and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Academic Appointments

  • Adjunct Associate Professor of Population and Family Health

Credentials & Experience

Education & Training

  • BA, 1993 Newnham College, Cambridge University
  • MA, 1996 School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University


Selected Publications

Why Macroeconomics Matters for Realizing the Right to Health, Radhika Balakrishnan and Monette Zard, November 2017 (co-author). 

Funding Effective Human Rights Work: A Conversation between Monette Zard and Sara Hossein, Volume 8, Issue 3 of the Journal Of Human Rights Practice, University of York, November 2016 (interactive dialogue, moderated by Brian Philips).

Strengthening Grantee Safety and Security: Review of Donor Practice and Recommendations for the Ford Foundation, Internal Report, New York, 2015 (author).  

Human Smuggling and Trafficking: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Issue 25 of the Forced Migration Review, Refugee Studies Center, University of Oxford, May 2006 (co-author).

A Survey of Trends and Issues in Forced Migration, Ford Foundation Internal Report, October 2005 Monette Zard and Kathleen Sullivan (co-author).  

Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Protecting Refugees and the Internally Displaced, MPI/Brookings Monograph, Washington D.C., July 2005 (author). 

Reprinted in: ‚ÄúHuman Rights and Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Migrant Workers Essays in Memory of Joan Fitzpatrick and Arthur Helton, edited by Anne F. Bayefsky, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden and Boston, 2006 (author). 

Talking about Terrorism, Risks and Choices for Human Rights Organizations, International Council on Human Rights Policy, Geneva, 2008 (co-author). 

Human Rights Strengthen the Migration Policy Framework, Migration Information Source, www.migrationinformation, March 2005 (author).