Peter A Messeri, PhD
- Professor Emeritus/Special Lecturer of Sociomedical Sciences at the Columbia University Medical Center

Academic Appointments
- Professor Emeritus/Special Lecturer of Sociomedical Sciences at the Columbia University Medical Center
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- BS, 1972 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- PhD, 1985 Columbia University
Committees, Societies, Councils
Member, American Public Health Association
Member, American Sociological Association
Research Interests
- Biostatistical Methods
- Community Health
- Healthcare Policy
- Substance Use
- Urban Health
Selected Publications
Messeri P, Silverstein M, Litwak E (1993) Choosing optimal support groups: a review and reformulation Journal of Health and Social Behavior 34 122-137
Messeri P, Abramson D, Aidala A, Lee F, Lee G (2002) The impact of ancillary HIV services on engagement in medical care in New York AIDS Care 14 S15-S30
Farrelly M, Healton, C, Davis K, Messeri P, Hersey J, Haviland M (2002) Getting to the truth: evaluating national tobacco counter marketing campaigns AJPH 92 901-907
Messeri P, Kim S, Whetten K Measuring services integration strategies for 34 HIV service demonstration projects (2003) Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 2 19-44
Messeri, P., Mowery P., Healton C., Haviland ML, Gable J (2007) Do tobacco countermarketing campaigns increase adolescent under reporting of smoking? : A test of the Social Desirability Hypothesis. Addictive Behaviors Addictive Behaviors 32 1532-1536
Farrelly, M.C., Davis, K.C,, Duke,J., Messeri, P, (2008) Sustaining 'truth' changes in youth tobacco attitudes and smoking intentions after 3 years of a national antismoking campaign Health Education Research
Messeri P, S, Kahn Millery, M, Campbell, A, Merrill, J, Shih, S, Kukafka, R (2013) An information system Model of the determinants of electronic health record use. Appl Clin Inf 4: 185–200
Goodman, S., Messeri, P., O'Flaherty, B. (2016) Homeless prevention in New York City: On average it works. Journal of Housing Economics. 31: 14-34.
Messeri, P., Cantrell, J., Mowery, P., Bennett, M., Hair, W. and Vallone, D. (2019) Examining differences in cigarette smoking prevalence among young adults across national surveillance surveys. PLoS ONE 14(12)
Messeri, P., Yomogida, M., Ferat, R.M., Garr, L. and Wirth, D. (2019) An HIV health plan patient navigation program: engaging HIV positive individuals in primary medical care. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services.
Urban Health Activities
Community Health Advisory & Information Network (CHAIN): Dr. Messeri was the principal investigator of CHAIN, a longitudinal study of persons living with HIV/AIDS. Since his retirement he has continued as a senior investigator. Since its inception in 1994, CHAIN has followed over 2,400 people living with HIV in the New York City region. The goal of CHAIN is to assess the need for health and social services among people living with HIV/AIDS and to understand the availability, accessibility, and quality of HIV/AIDS services. Based on repeated in-person interviews with study participants, the study informs the planning of HIV services in New York City through the production of reports on data collected written in collaboration with New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Public Health Solutions, and the Westchester Department of Health. The study is primarily funded through the Ryan White CARE Act, with supplemental funding from the federal government and various private foundations.
Evaluation of HomeBase Program to Prevent Family Homelessness: This study evaluated NYC Department of Homelessness Services' innovative community-based homelessness prevention program, HomeBase. With Dan O'Flaherty, CU Department of Economics, Dr. Messeri undertook a quasi-experiment using administrative dataset to demonstrate that the program was effective in averting family entries into the New York City Shelter System.
Access NY and AmidaCONNECT: These related projects evaluated innovative programs to improve connection and retention in care among New York City residents living with HIV/AIDS, who experience difficulty in maintaining engagement with medical care. The project was a collaboration with Amida Care, an HIV medicaid managed care plan, serving New York City residents and the New York Community Trust. The project was supported by funds from the AIDS Fund, AIDS United, and the Corporation for National and Community Service.