2023 Grants Update

New Grants since October 2022 

Wenpin Hou 

Award: 09/01/2023 – 08/31/2028 

“Methods for inferring and analyzing gene regulatory networks using single-cell multiomics and spatial genomics data”  
How gene expression is regulated can inform the development of complex biological systems and help design treatment strategies for diseases by manipulating cell states; however, to accurately infer gene regulatory networks, we urgently need to develop robust computational methods that incorporate rich transcriptomics and epigenomics data measured in single cells. This research program will develop computational methods for inferring and analyzing gene regulatory networks using multi-sample single-cell multiomics and spatial genomics data, use spatial trajectories from spatial transcriptomics data to characterize spatio-temporal gene regulation, and build network control strategies to manipulate networks to desired states (such as cellular healthy states). This research is expected to significantly reduce the wasted resources in downstream validation experiments and reduce the cost in disease treatment. 

Linda Valeri  

1R01AG077518-01A1 funded by The NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING (Role: PI)   
Award: 02/15/2023 – 01/31/2028 

“Bayesian Statistical Learning for Robust and Generalizable Causal Inferences in Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Research”  
This project responds to the research need of more diverse cohorts, more participants, more variables, and more occasions of measurement to advance progress in the epidemiology of cognitive resilience and decline. The project will develop advanced models for causal mediation analysis based on Bayesian machine learning approaches along with computationally efficient and user-friendly R packages to integrate rich longitudinal data on exposures and health markers and account for biases inherent in observational data from life-course studies. The proposed approaches will enable causal inference on joint exposure effects and time-to-event and longitudinal mediators to inform policy for environmental exposures and cardiovascular health in mid and late life to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders in diverse populations. 

Yuanjia Wang  

2R01NS073671-09 (Renewal) funded by The NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS AND STROKE (Role: PI)   Award: 07/15/2011 – 12/31/2027 

“Statistical Methods for Integrating Mixed-type Biomarkers and Phenotypes in 
Neurodegenerative Disease Modeling”  
The ultimate goal of research on neurodegenerative disorders is to develop therapeutics to slow disease progression and provide effective treatment for patients. This proposal aims to develop new statistical approaches to integrate complementary sources of information from genomic measures, brain imaging, blood biomarkers, digital markers, and early clinical signs in an effort to characterize personalized disease susceptibility, progression, diagnosis, and treatment responses, and thereby inform the discovery of optimal therapies and the design of clinical trials. 

Continuing Grants 

Daniel Malinsky   

NIH/NIEHS (K25ES034064) “Flexible Causal Inference Methods for Estimating Longitudinal Effects of Air Pollution on Chronic Lung Disease” 2022-2027 (Role: PI)   

Yifei Sun   

NIH/NHLBI (R21HL156228) “Dynamic and Personalized Prediction of Complex Cardiovascular Events” 2022-2023 (Role: PI) 

Wenpin Hou   

NIH/NHGRI (R00HG011468) “Computational Methods for Inferring Single-cell DNA Methylation and its Spatial Landscape”  2022-2025 (Role: PI)   

Iuliana Ionita-Laza & Ying Wei  

NIH/NIA (RF1AG072272) “Multi-omics approaches for gene discovery in Alzheimer's Disease” 2021-2024 (Roles: MPIs Ionita-Laza, Wei)  

Min Qian & Ian McKeague  

NSF (DMS- 2112938) “Post-Selection Inference for Survival Outcomes in Precision Medicine” 2021-2024 (Roles: MPIs Qian, McKeague)  

Ying Kuen (Ken) Cheung  

NIH/NHLBI (R01HL153642) “Breaking up Prolonged Sedentary Behavior to Improve Cardiometabolic Health: An Adaptive Dose-Finding Study” 2021-2026 (Role: Multi-PI, MPIs Diaz, Cheung)  

Kiros Berhane  

NIH/FIC (U2RTW012123) “Advancing Public Health Research in Eastern Africa through Data Science Training” 2021-2026 (APHREA-DST) (Role: Contact PI / MPIs: Berhane, Bekele, Weke)   

NIH/FIC (U2RTW010125) “Geohealth Hub for Research and Training in Eastern Africa – US” 2015-2027 (Role: Contact PI / MPIs: Berhane, Jack, Kumie, Simane)    

NIH/NHLBI (R25HL161786) “Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics and Data Science at Columbia (SIBDS@Columbia(link sends e-mail))” 2022-2026 (Role: Contact PI/MPI: Christine Mauro 

Jeff Goldsmith  

NIH/NHLBI (R25 HL096260), “BEST-DP: Biostatistics & Epidemiology Summer Training Diversity Program,” 2009-2024 (Role: Contact PI) 

Iuliana Ionita-Laza  

NIH/NHGRI (R21HG012345) “Quantitative disease risk scores for common diseases, with applications to eMERGE”  2021-2024, currently on a NCE (Role: PI)  

NIH/NIMH (R01MH095797), “Novel Statistical methods for DNA Sequencing Data, and applications to Autism,” 2012-2024, currently on a NCE (Role: PI) 

Ian McKeague  

NIH/NIA (R01AG062401) “Inferential methods for functional data from wearable devices” 2019-2024 (Role: PI)  

Caleb Miles  

NIH/NCATS  (KL2 TR001874), “Institutional Career Development Core: Clinical and Translational Science Award,” 2020-2022 (Role: Career Awardee) 

Linda Valeri  

NIH/NIMH (K01MH118477), “Statistical methods for the assessment of social engagement in psychosis using digital technologies” 2018-2024, currently on a NCE (Role: PI)  

Shuang Wang  

NIH/NLM (R01LM013061), “Big Data Methods for Comprehensive Similarity based Risk Prediction”, 2019-2024 (Role: Contact PI / MPIs: Wang, Weng, Kiryluk)  

Yuanjia Wang  

NIH/NIMH (R01MH123487) “Machine Learning Methods for Optimizing Individualized Treatment Strategies for Precision Psychiatry” 2021-2026 (Role: PI)