2023 Faculty Awards

Jeff Goldsmith 

Has been appointed as the Associate Dean for Data Science for MSPH. 

Tian Gu 

Was awarded the Institute of Mathematical Statistics New Researcher Travel Award to present her paper titled “A transfer learning approach based on random forest with application to breast cancer prediction in underrepresented populations” at the 2023 WNAR meeting. She also won the ASA Statistics in Epidemiology Section Young Investigator Award for her paper titled “Robust angle-based transfer learning in high dimensions”, which honors the best papers by early-stage investigators in statistics in epidemiology presented at the Joint Statistical Meeting 2023.  

Wenpin Hou 

Received the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) for Early Stage Investigators from NIH/NIGMS. This R01-equivalent award provides five years of funding with stability and flexibility to highly talented and promising investigators to increase overall scientific productivity and the chances for important breakthroughs. Dr. Hou's program, title "Methods for inferring and analyzing gene regulatory networks using single-cell multiomics and spatial genomics data", will (1) develop computational methods and statistical approaches to infer both static and dynamic gene regulatory networks, (2) leverage the spatial trajectories inferred from multiomics and spatial transcriptomics data to characterize spatial gene regulation, and (3) develop control strategies for gene regulatory networks to achieve desired states using multi-sample single-cell multiomics data.  

Zhezhen Jin 

Has been elected to be the Chair of the American Statistical Association’s Lifetime Data Science Section  

Zhonghua Liu 

Has been awarded the Calderone Award for Junior Faculty Development for, “Leveraging Gene-Gene Interactions for Robust Mendelian Randomization”. This award supports research efforts initiated by full-time junior faculty members holding appointments in one of the departments at the Mailman School.   

Daniel Malinksy

Had a co-authored 2016 article selected for the 90th Anniversary Collection of the journal Philosophy of Science. The journal selected 3 or 4 highly-cited and influential articles from each decade of its existence. The article is titled “Causally Interpreting Intersectionality Theory” with L.K. Bright and M. Thompson.

Yifei Sun 

Has been elected as Treasurer for 2024-2026 for the American Statistical Association’s Lifetime Data Science Section 

Melanie Wall 

A study led by Columbia Mailman School researchers Ezra Susser, MD, DrPH, Professor of Epidemiology and Psychiatry, and Melanie Wall, PhD, Professor of Biostatistics in Psychiatry, received the 2023 European Psychiatric Association’s Research Prize for the best scientific paper of the year. The paper is titled, “An Intersectional Approach to Ethnoracial Disparities in Pathways to Care Among Individuals With Psychosis in Coordinated Specialty Care” 

Yuanjia Wang 

Was appointed to the ASA Lester R. Curtin Award Committee, which helps administer the Lester R. Curtin Award to help promising young health statisticians get the skills and training they need to make significant contributions in their area of study.  

Ying Wei 

Has been elected as a Provost Leadership Fellow for the 2023-2025 cohort. Launched in 2013, the PLF program fosters leadership development among Columbia’s outstanding mid-career and senior faculty members. This program is a key component in our efforts to provide a promising and diverse set of our faculty members with the resources and support to thrive in their careers at Columbia as they take on administrative roles. 

Xiao Wu 

Was awarded an NIEHS P30 Center pilot award from Center for Environmental Health and Justice in Northern Manhattan (CEHJNM) in 2023. The goal of the Pilot Project Program is to provide funding, access to Core facilities and intellectual support to research proposals primarily of junior faculty within and outside the Center that are devoted to the study of environmental components of three human disease categories: Neurotoxicology/Neurodegenerative Diseases, Respiratory Disorders, and Cancer.