Professional Development Program

The Professional Development Program (PDP) is designed to prepare students with the professional skills necessary for success in the workplace. PDP is comprised of several components, including a required first-year course – Pivot: Strategic Professional Communications, as well as competency attainment assessments and supplemental skill sessions. The program also offers optional professional development activities and events which complement and build on HPM’s academic coursework. PDP has been designed based on a review of the literature on leadership and professional development, and on extensive market research with alumni, employers, and colleagues at other institutions. PDP covers a broad range of activities, including:

  • Administrative Fellowship Programming
  • Advising 
  • Alumni Career Panels
  • Applied Practice Experience (APEx)
  • Consulting Internship Preparation
  • Data Visualization/Tableau Workshops
  • Excel Workshop
  • Graduate Research Fellowship
  • HPM Alumni Mentor Program
  • HPM Student Mentor Program
  • International Student Programming
  • Mock Interviews
  • Networking Events
  • PIVOT: Strategic Professional Communiations Course 
  • Salary Negotiation Workshop
  • Writing Program