Faculty Mentors

Faculty Mentors Primary Department Research Focus
R. Graham Barr Medicine Epidemiology of chronic lung disease
Lisa Bates Epidemiology Social epidemiology
Daniel Belsky Epidemiology Lifecourse aging in genetic and genomic epidemiology
Benjamin Bostick Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Environmental Chemistry
Charles Branas Epidemiology Injury epidemiology
Alan Brown Epidemiology Epidemiology of prenatal risk factors for psychiatric disorders
Michael Burger Law Environmental and climate change law
Qixuan Chen Biostatistics Bayesian model-based methods
Steven Chillrud Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Exposure assessment
Ruth DeFries Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology Land use impacts on food security, conservation and climate
Maya Deyssenroth Environmental Health Sciences Molecular epidemiology, maternal and reproductive health
Pam Factor-Litvak Epidemiology Environmental and lifecourse epidemiology
Greg Freyer Environmental Health Sciences Cell response to environmental DNA damage
Mary Gamble Environmental Health Sciences Arsenic exposure, nutrition
Michael Gerrard Law Environmental and climate change law
Ronald Glabonjat Environmental Health Sciences Elemental speciation of environmental chemicals
Jeffrey Goldsmith Biostatistics High-dimensional data and science
Tom Hei Radiation Oncology Radiation and environmental toxicology
Julie Herbstman Environmental Health Sciences Endocrine disruptors, epidemiology
Diana Hernandez Sociomedical Sciences Social and environmental determinants of health
Markus Hilpert Environmental Health Sciences Exposure assessment, pollutant transport
Darby Jack Environmental Health Sciences Health effects of outdoor and indoor air pollution
Katherine Keyes Epidemiology Lifecourse influence on psychiatric and substance abuse
Marianthi-Anna Kioumourtzoglou Environmental Health Sciences Air pollution epidemiology, environmental epidemiologic methods
Norman Kleiman Environmental Health Sciences Radiation research and ophthalmology
Jennie Kline Sergievsky Center Reproductive outcomes and birth defects
Louise Kuhn Epidemiology Pediatric HIV
Allison Kupsco Environmental Health Sciences Epigenetics, toxicology
Upmanu Lall Earth and Environmental Engineering Water resource systems, hydrology, climate dynamics
Xinhua Liu Biostatistics Statistical methods and applications
Lambert Lumey Epidemiology Early and late life effects on mortality and morbidity
Brian Mailloux Environmental Science Groundwater and public health
Amy Margolis Psychiatry Environmental exposures and neurodevelopment
Terry McGovern Population and Family Health Environmental justice, health disparities
Gary Miller Environmental Health Sciences Environmental drivers of neurodegeneration
Christopher Morrison Epidemiology Social epidemiologic methods in health outcomes
Ana Navas-Acien Environmental Health Sciences Chronic health effects of environmental exposures
Anne Nigra Environmental Health Sciences Metal exposures, metal-related chronic disease, environmental justice
Matthew Neidell Health Policy and Management Environmental health economics
Ruth Ottman Epidemiology Genetic contributions to neurologic disorders
Sen Pei Environmental Health Sciences Mathematical modelling, infectious diseases
Frederica Perera Environmental Health Sciences Environmental exposures and disease, biomarkers
Matthew Perzanowski Environmental Health Sciences Asthma, allergy, environmental exposures
Virginia Rauh Population and Family Health Perinatal and psychiatric epidemiology
Diane Re Environmental Health Sciences Environmental trigger of motor neuron degeneration
Alexander Ruane NASA Goddard Institute for Space Sciences Climate impacts
Andrew Rundle Epidemiology Obesity and physical activity among children and adults
Regina Santella Environmental Health Sciences Biomarkers
Kathrin Schilling Environmental Health Sciences Geochemistry, molecular epidemiology
Jeffrey Shaman Environmental Health Sciences Climate and health, infectious diseases
Rupak Shivakoti Epidemiology Microbiome, nutrition, inflammation
Adam Sobel Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Atmospheric and climate dynamics, tropical meteorology
Cecilia Sorensen Environmental Health Sciences Climate change and health
Jeannette Stingone Epidemiology Children's environmental health, data science
Ezra Susser Epidemiology Neurodevelopmental disorder
Mary Beth Terry Epidemiology Etiology and prevention of breast cancer
Sarah Tom Neurology Lifecourse epidemiology, dementia, aging
Linda Valeri Biostatistics Causal inference
Alexander Van Geen Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Geochemistry
Ronald Wapner Obstetrics and Gynecology Genetic prenatal diagnostic and screening technologies
Hui-Chen Wu Environmental Health Sciences Epigenetics, cancer
Beizhan Yan Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Aqueous and organic geochemistry, environmental exposure and health
Adina Zeki Al Hazzouri Epidemiology Social epidemiology and cognitive aging
Lewis Ziska Environmental Health Sciences Climate change, carbon dioxide, plant biology
Ami Zota Environmental Health Sciences Environmental epidemiology, mechanisms of disease, exposome, and life course