Microsoft Templates

Powerpoint Presentation Tips

  1. Stay on-brand. Why use default PowerPoint settings? The below templates are pre-set with designed slide layouts using the CUIMC font and color palette, and careful use of whitespace and line-spacing. If you need to make style changes (for example: make all headers bold, or move/resize text boxes), do so on the master page, not on individual slides or text boxes—this allows you to maintain a clear, unified presentation, and make updates more quickly. 
  2. One idea per slide. You are making a visual presentation, not a Word document. Consider your audience and what will most engage them.
  3. Use quality images. Create infographics directly in PowerPoint rather than placing images from various sources, in order to maintain a consistent look. See our Flickr page for photography from the school or take your own photos with your mobile phone, (see our Photography Guide for Cameras and Smart Phones for tips). The communications office can provide a limited amount of images from iStock; contact Diana Gazzia in the communications office for more information. 

School-Wide Powerpoint Templates

Click the appropriate format below to download the template, and note the tips above. 


Template: wide-screen (16:9) 


Template: standard-screen (4:3)

Departmental Template

Click the link below to download a template in which you may insert your department name in the footer. Open the file in PowerPoint, go to "Master Slide" and replace "NAME OF DEPARTMENT." Please maintain all caps. 

Word Template

The document below has the Columbia Mailman logo, colors, and different type styles, pre-set.


Microsoft Word document (8.5x11")


Excel Template

The excel sheet below has the Columbia Mailman logo and colors for charts, pre-set. 


Microsoft Excel sheet


FactSheet Template

This powerpoint file contains a front and back layout for a one-pager fact sheet. Use the existing text boxes and image placeholders to input your department or prorgam's information. You may delete anything you don't need, copy and paste elements you need more of, but do not add anything that will not fit within the template margins. Make this a quick overview and direct readers to your website for more information.  




Questions? Need a custom slide layout or document template? Contact Diana Gazzia in the communications office.