Master of Health Administration (MHA)
The Department of Health Policy and Management (HPM) offers a specialized Master of Health Administration. These MHA degree paths integrate organizational leadership and management, health policy, and public health and health systems. It provides students with the management skills of a business school education, but does so in a context that emphasizes the unique nature of the healthcare system.
Students can complete the coursework through the full-time program, part-time program, or executive programs. The curriculum in all of our programs offers ongoing professional development activities. Students also complete practicum fieldwork which offers valuable professional experience.
Core courses provide students with solid understanding of the statistical tools and key concepts used by many public health practitioners. Management and policy courses emphasize the skills needed for careers in health service delivery.
Health Management MHA
HPM offers an MHA degree program for Health Management in full-time, part-time and executive formats. These programs integrate organizational leadership and management, health policy, and public health and health systems.
Full-Time MHA Program
The full-time program is a two-year program that is ideal for students are able to study in classes five days a week. In addition, there are required professional development curriculum and Workshops to aid students in their development of real-world skills and practices.
Students are taught to work with the management skills of a business school education, but do so in a context that emphasizes the unique nature of the healthcare system. The department places a strong emphasis on students developing competencies across a number of areas including: analytical thinking, collaboration, communication, financial analysis, organizational awareness, resource management and allocation and strategic thinking. This competency-based curriculum prepares graduates for management positions in hospitals; clinics; non-profit organizations; local, state and national government; other health related organizations; as well as jobs in consulting and bio-pharma companies.
Part-Time Management Program
Are you looking for a Management MHA program that integrates the theory and practice needed to be successful in your career? Do you have at least one year of relevant healthcare experience? Are you currently working full time in the healthcare industry?
The Part-Time management (PTM) program is geared towards candidates currently working in healthcare who are looking to gain a broad understanding of the healthcare system and insight into the influences of policy decisions in the healthcare industry, while developing management and leadership skills. Courses integrate professional experience into the classroom. The program is completed in 28 months. Incoming students must have at least one year of experience in a health-related industry.
Executive Master of Healthcare Management
The Executive Master of Health Management Programs (MHA/MPH) provide a unique interdisciplinary education across three areas of expertise: organizational leadership and management, health policy and public health and health systems. The programs are designed to provide working health professionals with the skills, networks and credentials needed to obtain high-level management or policy positions. The program has attracted over 600 participants from the United States and abroad who work in hospitals, health departments, managed care organizations, consulting firms, law firms, pharmaceutical companies, and other healthcare settings.
For more detailed program information please visit the EMPH website.
The Thomas P. Ference Health Systems Simulation
As a culminating experience from all three MHA programs, students are provided an opportunity to experience the challenges of executive leadership through the Thomas P. Ference Health Systems Simulation. While fully immersed, students are met with situations requiring strategic decision-making in a realistic exercise that effectively emulates the full breadth and complexity of a competitive multi-hospital marketplace. Participants work as executive management teams and are responsible for executing high-level decisions that will impact the success of their institution over a number of years. The health systems simulation serves as the culminating experience for all three management MPH programs. Read more.
Not sure if any of these MHA Programs are the right fit for you? Contact a Student Advisor and we’ll be in touch shortly to help you get your degree started!