The Master of Science degree is an academic degree that provides specialized knowledge in a particular subject matter. The interdisciplinary nature of the Mailman School’s educational experience also provides students in these programs with a broad public health perspective that facilitates successful careers in public health and related areas.
The Mailman School offers the Master of Science (MS) degree in the Departments of:
The Department of Biostatistics offers Master of Science degrees in five areas of study where there is a clear need for professionals with specialized expertise and cutting-edge skills. Master’s candidates in the department pursue an innovative and challenging interdisciplinary curriculum, take advantage of opportunities for hands-on experience, and gain valuable exposure to the latest in research and statistical methods.
Environmental Health Sciences
The Department of Environmental Health Sciences offers Master of Science degrees in Toxicology and Environmental Health Data Science. Both concentrations prepare graduates for challenging and fulfilling scientifically oriented careers in government, non-profit organizations, industry, defense, and academia. This degree can be completed in as little as 12 months. All students receive extensive classroom instruction, complete a valuable practicum/ internship experience, and write a Master's Research thesis.
The MS program provides working health professionals with the knowledge, skills, and credentials needed to engage in rigorous population health research. Students develop expertise in both the foundational concepts that underlie study design and analysis and in the innovative methods that are currently changing and improving the practice of epidemiology. There are two program options, which differ only in their timeframe and schedule.
Population and Family Health
This 30-credit MS program is for individuals who have started their careers, and is designed to leverage the Department of Population and Family Health's strength in integrated research and practice.
Sociomedical Sciences
The thirty-credit MS in Sociomedical Sciences degree trains students to apply social science theories, concepts, and methods to public health practice and policy making.
Visit the department web pages—where degree competencies, student handbooks, and curriculum plans are available—to learn more about these degree programs. The Prospective Student site also offers information on admissions requirements.