FORWARD Community APEx Fellowship
The Office of Field Practice coordinates the FORWARD Community APEx Fellowship for full-time 2-year MPH and MHA students. The Fellowship, a component of the FORWARD Initiative, provides APEx opportunities with organizations serving the Harlem, Washington Heights, Inwood, and Bronx communities. Through this Fellowship, students will contribute to antiracist health initiatives focused on health access, service delivery, program enhancement, sustainability, and health education within marginalized communities. In addition, in collaboration with the Columbia Cancer Center, Fellows can work with a CUIMC-community collaborative initiative representing best practices in academic-community partnerships. APEx Fellows will receive a 5,000 stipend.
Past FORWARD Community Fellowship APEx Project Examples
- Casita Maria, Hunts Point and Longwood, Bronx: Community Needs Assessment
- CLOTH, Washington Heights: NYC-Curriculum Development on Computer Literacy for Health
- Columbia Wellness Center, Harlem: NYC-TRIUMPH Study Recruitment & Community Outreach
Fellowship Components
- APEx placement within local organization
- Participation in a 7-week community engagement seminar
- Fulfillment of certificate and departmental APEx requirements and competencies
- Development of comprehensive portfolio of APEx work products and final APEx Presentation
- Speaking engagements, panel presentations, networking, and certificate activities
- OFP faculty and staff mentoring and advising
Fellowship Eligibility
- All full-time MPH and MHA students returning for one more year at Mailman are encouraged to apply
- Priority will be given to students with financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid
Application Process

Information regarding the Fellowships and the application process can be found on the OFP Canvas site. If you have additional questions, please email us with the subject title “FORWARD Community APEx Fellowship Application Questions” at