Intervention Library
Evidence-based interventions (EBI) are programs that have been proven effective (to some degree) through outcome evaluations. As such, EBI are programs that are likely to be effective in changing target behavior if implemented with integrity. Here is a set of EBIs available for you to use, along with related instruments, surveys, materials, and other supporting implementation tools:
HORIZONS: For African-American females, ages 15-21. This is a group-level, gender- and culturally tailored STD/HIV intervention for African American adolescent females seeking sexual health services. HORIZONS is endorsed by the CDC as "Best" in the Compendium of Evidence-based Interventions and Best Practices for HIV Prevention.
Sisters Informing Healing Living and Empowering (SIHLE): For African-American teenage females, ages 14-18. A group level intervention, SIHLE is a peer-led, social-skills training intervention aimed at reducing HIV sexual risk behavior among sexually active, African American teen girls. An adaptation of the SISTA intervention, SIHLE emphasizes ethnic and gender pride, and enhances awareness of HIV risk reduction strategies such as abstaining from sex, using condoms consistently, and having fewer sex partners. It consists of four 3-hour sessions, delivered by two peer facilitators (ages 18-21) and one adult facilitator in a community-based setting. SIHLE is endorsed by the CDC on the list of Effective Interventions: HIV Prevention That Works.
Overview (training specifications)
Implementation Examples: Partnership for Health, d-up!
Workshop 1: My Sistas... My Girls
Workshop 2: It's My Body
Workshop 3: Communication... and Condom Skills
Workshop 4: Relationships and Power
Sisters Informing Sisters About Topics on AIDS (SISTA): For African-American women, ages 18-29. This group-level, gender- and culturally- relevant intervention, is designed to increase condom use with sexually active African American women. Five peer-led group sessions are conducted that focus on ethnic and gender pride, HIV knowledge, and skills training around sexual risk reduction behaviors and decision making. SISTA is endorsed by the CDC on the list of Effective Interventions: HIV Prevention That Works.
Overview (training specifications)
Webinar Presentation: Overview of Updates to SISTA Materials (2009)
Evaluation Tools (focus group protocol, process forms, session evaluation forms, facilitator observation forms, pre-test/post-test)
Resource Guide: Adapting SISTA for Latinas
Resource Guide: Adapting SISTA for Transwomen
Implementation Manual (2008)
Women Involved in Life Learning from Other Women (WiLLOW): For HIV-positive females, ages 18-50. The WiLLOW intervention is an interactive small group, skill-training intervention for women living with HIV. The intervention enhances awareness of HIV transmission risk behaviors, discredits myths regarding HIV prevention for people living with HIV, teaches communication skills for negotiating safer sex, and reinforces the benefits of consistent condom use. WiLLOW is endorsed by the CDC on the list of Effective Interventions: HIV Prevention That Works.