Full Pilots
Project Title: Characterizing indoor heat stress in social housing in partnership with Heat Seek in New York City.
Principal Investigator: Robbie M. Parks, PhD, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences.
Year: 2023
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Long-term effects of tropical cyclones on community social vulnerability and individual chronic health conditions in the United States: A novel quasi-experimental study.
Principal Investigator: Xiao Wu, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics.
Year: 2023
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Residential exposure to radon and PM2.5 and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a pilot study.
Principal Investigator: Ka Kahe, MD, ScD, MPH, Tilden-Weger-Bieler Professor of Preventive Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology.
Year: 2023
Award Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Urinary metallothionine as biomarker of effect to uranium exposure and other metals and chronic kidney diseases.
Principal Investigator: Kathrin Schilling, MSc, PhD, Assistant Professor at CUIMC of Environmental Health Sciences.
Year: 2023
Award Amount: $21,000
Project Title: Health Effects of Environmental Noise in a Noise-burdened Community in New York City.
Principal Investigator: Markus Hilpert, PhD, Associate Professor of Environmental Health Sciences.
Year: 2023
Award Amount: $21,000
Project Title: Surveying the perinatal metabolome for exposomic signals in the CCCEH Sibling-Hermanos cohort.
Principal Investigator: Maya Deyssenroth, DrPH, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences.
Year: 2023
Award Amount: $21,000
Mini Pilots
Project Title: Prenatal Exposure to SARS-CoV-2, Disinfectant Use, Changes in the Infant Microbiome and Neurodevelopment: A Pilot Study Protocol.
Principal Investigator: Pam Factor-Litvak, PhD, Professor of Epidemiology.
Year: 2023
Award Amount: $10,000
Project Title: Prenatal Placental EV OBESO Cohort.
Principal Investigator: Maya Deyssenroth, DrPH, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences.
Year: 2023
Award Amount: $10,000
Project Title: MEASURES: MetAllomics StUdy, Homeostasis, and BReast CancEr RiSk.
Principal Investigator: Hui-Chen Wu, DrPH, Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences CUMC.
Year: 2023
Award Amount: $10,000