CHPS+ aims to test the transfer of GEHIP strategies to two other regions, assess the milestones and processes of effective CHPS scale-up in doing so, and determine the child survival impact of the scale-up of GEHIP on the survival of under-five aged children. To achieve this goal, CHPS+ will embrace four specific aims:
Learning Platform Development: CHPS+ will develop learning platforms to foster systems thinking,resilient health systems development, and sustainable scale-up by combining catalytic financing, peerlearning exchanges and the use of information for decision-making as a process for capacity building. Two priority regions will be participating in CHPS+. Two “System Learning Districts” (SLD) will be created in each region to serve as centers of excellence for systems strengthening.
Partnership for Systems Development: CHPS+ will develop links between SLD and university-based learning processes as an activity of the Ghana Health Service Policy Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Division (PPME). This partnership will utilize SLDs not only as training sites, but also as policy development field stations for creating a national knowledge management system and a national coordinating unit for monitoring process and communicating results to key stakeholders.
Data Capture, utilization, and knowledge generation: CHPS+ will implement a research strategy that integrates data capture, analysis, and use into peer learning operations. Project activities will build evidence-based programming capabilities that are decentralized, decision-oriented, and focused on resilient systems planning; and used for building district leadership capabilities.
National capacity to utilize data and generate knowledge for improving health and survival: CHPS+ will implement a research strategy that integrates data capture, analysis, and use into peer learning operations. Project activities will build evidence-based programming capabilities that are decentralized, decision-oriented, and focused on resilient systems planning; and used for building district leadership capabilities.
Constituted as an official program of the Government of Ghana and representing institutional commitment to the official policy agenda, CHPS+ comprises a program of implementation research, action, and capacity building that converts the GEHIP proof of systems development concept into proof that these concepts can be used at scale with equivalently transformative impact on the survival of young children.