
Access some of the major articles on maternal and newborn health organized by topic.
EmONC Programming and Field Experience
Ending preventable maternal mortality: phase II of a multi-step process to develop a monitoring framework, 2016 – 2030. Jolivet, R.R., Moran, A.C., O’Connor, M., Chou, D., Bhardwaj, N., Newby, H., Requejo, J., Schaaf, M., Say, L., & Langer, A. (2018). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 18:258.
Where women go to delivery: understanding the changing landscape of childbirth in Africa and Asia. Montagu, D., Sudhinaraset, M., Diamond-Smith, N., Campbell, O., Gabrysch, S., Freedman, L., Kruk, M.E., & Donnay, F. (2017). Health Policy and Planning.
The geography of maternal and newborn health: the state of the art. Ebener, Steeve, Maria Guerra-Arias, James Campbell, Andrew J. Tatem, Allisyn Moran, F. Amoako Johnson, Helga Fogstad, Karin Stenberg, S. E. Neal, and Patsy Bailey (2013). In 5th International Conference on Health pp. 22-23.
Preventing maternal and newborn deaths globally: using innovation and science to address challenges in implementing life-saving interventions. Peterson, Herbert B., Joumana Haidar, Mario Merialdi, Lale Say, A. Metin Gülmezoglu, Peter J. Fajans, Michael T (2012).Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 120(3), 636-642.
Women's preferences for place of delivery in rural Tanzania: a population-based discrete choice experiment. Kruk, M. E., Paczkowski, M., Mbaruku, G., de Pinho, H., & Galea, S. (2009). American Journal of Public Health, 99(9), 1666.
Maternal death review in Africa. Pearson, L., & Shoo, R. (2009). International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 106(1), 89-94.
Reducing maternal mortality in Yemen: challenges and lessons learned from baseline assessment. Al Serouri, A. W., Al Rabee, A., Afif, M. B., & Al Rukeimi, A. (2009). International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 105(1), 86-91.
Using audits to reduce the incidence of uterine rupture in a Malawian district hospital. van den Akker, T., Mwagomba, B., Irlam, J., & van Roosmalen, J. (2009). International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 107(3), 289-294.
Monitoring emergency obstetric care: a handbook. Bailey, Patsy, Samantha Lobis, Deborah Maine, and Judith Fortney (2009). World Health Organization.
Practical lessons from global safe motherhood initiatives: time for a new focus on implementation. Freedman, Lynn P., Wendy J. Graham, Ellen Brazier, Jeffrey M. Smith, Tim Ensor, Vincent Fauveau, Ellen Themmen, Sheena Currie, and Koki Agarwal (2007). The Lancet, 370(9595), 1383-1391.
Making motherhood safe in developing countries. Rosenfield, Allan, Caroline J. Min, and Lynn P. Freedman (2007). New England Journal of Medicine 356(14), 1395-1397.
Strengthening emergency obstetric care in Ayacucho, Peru. Kayongo, M., Esquiche, E., Luna, M. R., Frias, G., Vega-Centeno, L., & Bailey, P. (2006). International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 92(3), 299-307.
The availability of life-saving obstetric services in developing countries: an in-depth look at the signal functions for emergency obstetric care. Bailey PE, Paxton A, Lobis S, Fry D (2006). International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 93, 285-291.
Global patterns in availability of emergency obstetric care. Paxton A, Bailey PE, Lobis S, Fry D. (2006). International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 93, 300-307.
Meeting MDG-5: an impossible dream? Rosenfield, Allan, Deborah Maine, and Lynn Freedman (2006). The Lancet 368(9542), 1133-1135.
Making EmOC a reality—CARE's experiences in areas of high maternal mortality in Africa. Kayongo, M., Rubardt, M., Butera, J., Abdullah, M., Mboninyibuka, D., & Madili, M. (2006). International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 92(3), 308-319.
The evidence for emergency obstetric care. Paxton, Anne, Deborah Maine, Lynn Freedman, Deborah Fry, and Samantha Lobis (2005).International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 88(2), 181-193.
Where is the “E” in MCH? Paxton, Anne, Deborah Maine, Lynn P. Freedman, and Jason B. Smith (2003). Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 48(5), 373-373.
Women’s mortality: a legacy of neglect. Freedman, Lynn P., and Deborah Maine (1993). Popline Doc Number 082466.
Health Systems and Implementation Science
10 best resources on power in health policy and systems in low-and middle-income countries. Sriram, V., Topp, S. M., Schaaf, M., Mishra, A., Flores, W., Rajasulochana, S. R., & Scott, K. (2018). Health policy and planning, 33(4), 611-621.
Institutional maternal and perinatal deaths: a review of 40 low and middle income countries. Bailey, P. E., Andualem, W., Brun, M., Freedman, L., Gbangbade, S., Kante, M., Keyes, E., Libamba, E., Moran, A.C., Mouniri, H., Joud, D. O., & Singh, K. (2017). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17(1), 295.
Lessons learned in using realist evaluation to assess maternal and newborn health programming in rural Bangladesh. Adams, A., Sedalia, S., McNab, S., & Sarker, M. (2015). Health policy and planning, czv053.
Equity and the child health Millennium Development Goal: the role of pro-poor health policies. Kruk, M. E., Prescott, M. R., de Pinho, H., & Galea, S. (2011). Journal of epidemiology and community health, 65(4), 327-333.
Integrating HIV and maternal health services: will organizational culture clash sow the seeds of a new and improved implementation practice? Freedman, Lynn P (2011). JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 57: S80-S82.
Rebuilding health systems to improve health and promote statebuilding in post-conflict countries: A theoretical framework and research agenda. Kruk, M. E., Freedman, L. P., Anglin, G. A., & Waldman, R. J. (2010). Social Science & Medicine, 70(1), 89-97.
Assessing health system performance in developing countries: a review of the literature. Kruk, M. E., & Freedman, L. P. (2008). Health Policy and Planning, 85(3), 263-276.
Health care financing and utilization of maternal health services in developing countries. Kruk, M. E., Galea, S., Prescott, M., & Freedman, L. P. (2007). Health Policy and Planning, 22(5), 303-310.
Transforming health systems to improve the lives of women and children. Freedman, L. P., Waldman, R. J., de Pinho, H., Wirth, M. E., Chowdhury, A. M. R., & Rosenfield, A. (2005). The Lancet, 365(9463), 997-1000.
Who's got the power?: Transforming health systems for women and children. Freedman, L. P. (2005). Earthscan.
Background paper of the task force on child health and maternal health. Wirth, M., Waldman, R., Chowdhury, M., & Rosenfield, A. (2003). Millennium Project.
Human Rights and Accountability
A critical interpretive synthesis of informal payments in maternal health care. Schaaf, M., & Topp, S. (2019). Health Policy and Planning.
Does Information and Communication Technology Add Value to Citizen-Led Accountability Initiatives in Health? Experiences from India and Guatemala. Schaaf, M., Chhabra, S., Flores, W., Feruglio, F., Dasgupta, J., & Ruano, A.L. (2018). Health and Human Rights Journal.
Eye of the Beholder? Observation versus self-report in the measurement of disrespect and abuse during facility-based childbirth. Freedman, L. P., Kujawski, S., Mbuyita, S., Kuwawenaruwa, A., Kruk, M., Ramsey, K., & Mbaruku, G. (2018). Reproductive Health Matters.
Community health workers and accountability: reflections from an international “think-in”. Schaaf, M., Fox, J., Topp, S.M., Warthin, C., Freedman, L. P., Robinson, R.S., Thiagrarajan, S., Scott, K., Maboe, T., Zanchetta, M., Ruano, A. L., Kok, M., Closser, S. (2018). International Journal for Equity in Health 17:66.
Methods used in prevalence studies of disrespect and abuse during facility based childbirth: lessons learned. Sando, D., Abuya, T., Asefa, A., Banks, K.P., Freedman, L.P., Kujawski, S., Markovitz, A., Ndwiga, C. Ramsey, K., Ratcliffe, H., Ugwu, E.O., Warren, C.E., & Jolivet, R.R. (2017). Reproductive Health 14: 127.
From favours to entitlements: community voice and action and health service quality in Zambia. Schaaf, M., Topp, S.M., & Ngulube, M. (2017). Health Policy and Planning.
Community and health system intervention to reduce disrespect and abuse during childbirth in Tanga Region, Tanzania; A comparative before-and-after study. Kujawski, S, Freedman, L.P., Ramsey, K, Mbaruku, G, Mbuyita, S, Moyo, W, Kruk, M.E. (2017). PLoS Medicine. 14(7):e1002341.
Association Between Disrespect and Abuse During Childbirth and Women’s Confidence in Health Facilities in Tanzania. Kujawski, S., Mbaruku, G., Freedman, L. P., Ramsey, K., Moyo, W., & Kruk, M. E. (2015). Maternal and child health journal, 19(10), 2243-2250.
Moving Toward Patient-Centered Care in Africa: A Discrete Choice Experiment of Preferences for Delivery Care among 3,003 Tanzanian Women. Larson, E., Vail, D., Mbaruku, G. M., Kimweri, A., Freedman, L. P., & Kruk, M. E. (2015). PloS one, 10(8), e0135621.
Using technology to claim rights to free maternal health care: Lessons about impact from the My Health, My Voice Pilot project in India. Dasgupta, J., Sandhya, Y. K., Lobis, S., Verma, P., & Schaaf, M. (2015). Health & Human Rights: An International Journal, 17(2).
Disrespect and abuse of women in childbirth: challenging the global quality and accountability agendas. Freedman, Lynn P., & Kruk, Margaret E. (2014). The Lancet, 384.9948, e42-e44.
Disrespectful and abusive treatment during facility delivery in Tanzania: a facility and community survey. Kruk, M. E., Kujawski, S., Mbaruku, G., Ramsey, K., Moyo, W., & Freedman, L. P. (2014). Health Policy and Planning, czu079.
Defining disrespect and abuse of women in childbirth: a research, policy and rights agenda. Freedman, L. P., Ramsey, K., Abuya, T., Bellows, B., Ndwiga, C., Warren, C. E., Kujawski, S., Moyo, W., Kruk, M.E., & Mbaruku, G. (2014). Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(12), 915-917.
Studying moderators of implementation: analysis from an intervention to reduce disrespect and abuse in facility-based childbirth. Ramsey, K., Moyo, W., Mbuyita, S., Kujawski, S., Mbaruku, G., & *Freedman, L. P. (2014). BMC Health Services Research, 14(2), 1.
On the “Rights” Track: The Importance of a Rights-Based Approach to Reducing Maternal Deaths. De Pinho, Helen (2013). Health and Human Rights in a Changing World, 434.
The critical role of supervision in retaining staff in obstetric services: a three country study. McAuliffe, E., Daly, M., Kamwendo, F., Masanja, H., Sidat, M., & de Pinho, H. (2013). PLOS One.
Act global, but think local: accountability at the frontlines. Freedman, Lynn P., and Marta Schaaf (2013). Reproductive Health Matters, 21(42), 103-112.
Equity of inpatient health care in rural Tanzania: a population-and facility-based survey. Ferry, G. A., Dickson, S. R., Mbaruku, G., Freedman, L. P., & Kruk, M. E. (2012). International journal for equity in health, 11(1), 1.
Expected to deliver: alignment of regulation, training, and actual performance of emergency obstetric care providers in Malawi and Tanzania. Lobis, S., Mbaruku, G., Kamwendo, F., McAuliffe, E., Austin, J., & de Pinho, H. (2011). International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 115(3), 322-327.
Promoting accountability in obstetric care: use of criteria-based audit in Viet Nam. Bailey PE, Binh HT, Bang HT (2009). Global Public Health, 5(1), 62–74.
Are doctors and nurses associated with coverage of essential health services in developing countries? A cross-sectional study. Kruk, M. E., Prescott, M. R., de Pinho, H., & Galea, S. (2009). Human Resources for Health, 7(27), 1-9.
Health system strengthening: New potential for public health and human rights collaboration. Freedman, LP (2007). Reproductive Health Matters, 15(30), 219–220.
Achieving the MDGs: Health systems as core social institutions. Freedman, LP (2005). Development, 48(1), 19–24.
Human rights, constructive accountability and maternal mortality in the Dominican Republic: A commentary. Freedman, LP (2003).International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 82, 111–114.
Strategic advocacy and maternal mortality: Moving targets and the Millennium Development Goals. Freedman, LP (2003). Gender and Development, 11(1), 97-108.
Shifting visions: “delegation” policies and the building of a “rights-based” approach to maternal mortality. Freedman, LP (2002). Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association, 57(3), 154-158.
Using human rights in maternal mortality programs: from analysis to strategy. Freedman, LP (2001). International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 75, 51-60.
Facing facts: the role of epidemiology in reproductive rights advocacy. Freedman, Lynn, and Deborah Maine (1994). Am. UL Rev, 44, 1085.
Risk, reproduction and rights: the uses of reproductive health data. Maine, D., Freedman, L., Shaheed, F., & Frautschi, S. (1994). Population and Development, 203-228.
Human Resources
Postings and transfers in the Ghanaian health system: a study of health workforce governance. Kwamie, A., Asiamah, M., Schaaf, M., & Agyepong, I. A. (2017). International journal for equity in health, 16(1), 85.
Where there is no policy: governing the posting and transfer of primary health care workers in Nigeria. Abimbola, S., Olanipekun, T., Schaaf, M., Negin, J., Jan, S., & Martiniuk, A. L. (2017). The International journal of health planning and management, 32(4), 492-508.
Unmasking the open secret of posting and transfer practices in the health sector. Schaaf, M., & Freedman, L. P. (2015). Health policy and planning, 30(1), 121-130.
Posting and transfer: key to fostering trust in government health services. Sheikh, K., Freedman, L., Ghaffar, A., Marchal, B., el-Jardali, F., McCaffery, J., Olivier de Sardan, J., Dal Poz, M., Flores, W., Garimella, S., & Schaaf, M. (2015). Human resources for health, 13(1), 1.
Expected to deliver: alignment of regulation, training, and actual performance of emergency obstetric care providers in Malawi and Tanzania. Lobis, Samantha, Godfrey Mbaruku, Francis Kamwendo, Eilish McAuliffe, Judy Austin, and Helen de Pinho (2011). International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 115(3), 322-327.
Shifting visions: "delegation" policies and the building of a "rights-based" approach to maternal mortality. Freedman LP (2002). Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, 54(3), 154-158.
Using a GIS to model interventions to strengthen the emergency referral system for maternal and newborn health in Ethiopia. Bailey, Patricia E., Emily B. Keyes, Caleb Parker, Muna Abdullah, Henok Kebede, and Lynn Freedman (2011). International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 115(3), 300-309.