
GHI seeks to leverage the leadership of the Mailman School by promoting the visibility of its global health research, service programs and trainings, both within the School and with external audiences. To meet this objective, GHI develops activities that build on the School’s existing expertise and capacities and seek to foster innovation that address key global health challenges.
Crisis Coordination Response Group
Drawing upon expertise of Mailman School and its key partners in the area of humanitarian crisis, the Crisis Coordination Response Group (CCRG) serves as a mechanism for convening around disaster response; scanning current Mailman involvement in country; and learning the immediate needs of the School's Communications department in terms of media inquiries.
To this end, CCRG – an informal group of key MSPH faculty, groups, Communications and the GHI Secretariat - will aim to coordinate response, guided by CCRG’s Protocol, with respect to:
(a) mapping of engagement of faculty and school
(b) technical response (at the level of UN systems, agencies or national engagement); and
(c) communications and media
International Administrative Working Group
GHI seeks to provide opportunities to convene faculty and key personnel on issues related to MSPH global operations.
Through special meetings convened and facilitated by GHI, MSPH representatives of CU International Administrative Working Group provide operational guidance and support to administrators, faculty, researchers and staff that manage global operations for the School.
In collaboration with key personnel across the Mailman School's administrative departments -- Office of the Dean; Human Resources; Finance; Sponsored Projects Administration -- GHI facilitates important discussions on critical issues for establishing international projects outside the United States.
Finance Gateway Global Support Website
For questions about the Global Support Website Contact globalsupport@columbia.edu