
- Successfully implement CPAP in different regions of the world (Latin America)
Develop an effective implementation model that is appropriate in different global settings
Identify country/region specific barriers to CPAP usage and sustainability
Ensure sustainable knowledge and skills proficiency with minimal out-side support
Program sites: The program initiated in the tertiary hospital, Hospital Escuela, in Tegucigalpa and expanded to hospitals and health clinics in Esperanza Intibucá, Gracias Lempira and Marcala.
Training: Five physicians and six nurses have been trained on the use of CPAP and how to train others using a CPAP PowerPoint presentation, step-by-step instructions and a Spanish CPAP training video. Each instructor was provided a training package to facilitate the training of others.
Monitoring and evaluation of program: Monitoring and evaluation was performed to ensure the program was effective and sustainable. Knowledge and skills evaluation was performed to measure training fidelity. Equipment durability was assessed, qualitative surveys identified barriers to successful application, and local healthcare providers documented CPAP usage. The data was used to develop appropriate local standards of practice.