Degrees in Health Policy and Management

The Department of Health Policy & Management (HPM) evaluates health systems to build knowledge of how nationals and local organizations can deliver more health at lower cost. Researchers train professionals to become leaders everywhere—from government to nonprofits, from hospitals to the insurance industry.
Degree Programs
- Columbia MPH
- Certificate Programs:
- Applied Biostatistics
- Child, Youth, and Family Health
- Climate and Health
- Comparative Effectiveness Outcomes Research
- Environmental Health Policy
- Epidemiology of Chronic Disease
- Global Health
- Health and Human Rights
- Health Communication
- Health of an Aging Society
- Health Policy Analysis
- Health Policy and Practice
- History, Ethics, and Law
- Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- Injury Prevention and Control
- Public Health Informatics
- Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Social Determinants of Health
- Certificate Programs:
- Accelerated MPH
- Master of Health Administration
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