Faculty Directory
The Faculty Directory is the central repository for faculty contact information, academic appointments, publications, affiliations, and areas of expertise. Faculty can request updates to their bio and other information, including publications, by contacting the liaison for their Primary Department.
Please Note:
- The Columbia Mailman School faculty directory is part of the CUIMC system; faculty listings represent all CUIMC affiliations. Updates should be made by your primary CUIMC unit.
- Changes are not reflected immediately, it can take some time for the update to appear—typically within an 24 hour period.
- The faculty title and department will reflect what is listed in the Columbia University directory. If you have questions about what is displayed there, please contact msph-hr-fac-affairs@cumc.columbia.edu or the HR representative for your primary Columbia unit.
Department Liaison
- Biostatistics (email ee2548@cumc.columbia.edu)
- Environmental Health Sciences (email et2736@cumc.columbia.edu)
- Epidemiology
- Health Policy & Management
- Population and Family Health (email ss3808@cumc.columbia.edu)
- Sociomedical Sciences (email yj17@cumc.columbia.edu)
Center Liaisons
- Center for Infection and Immunity
- ICAP at Columbia
- Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center
Faculty Affiliated to Multiple Departments
- Because we are on the CUIMC directory system, faculty only have one CUIMC record. Contact the relevant department to make updates about your appointments, or your home Department to make general updates.
- Faculty should not request an additional record for each CUIMC appointment.
Faculty Returning to CUIMC
- Faculty returning to CUIMC should re-activate an old listing rather than creating a new one event if that old listing was with a different CUIMC unit. Contact your current home department to request that your record be activated and edited.
New Listing Checklist
- A listing in the Columbia University directory
- An @cumc.columbia.edu email address (If you do not have one, please contact your department liaison.)
- Email mailmancomm@columbia.edu to request that a record be created.
Portrait Photos
For your faculty profile picture, the Office of Communications organizes photo shoots once or twice a year.
Please note: If you are submitting your own photo, we will accept a high-resolution photo where the subject is shown from mid-chest area up (see examples below). The photo should be professional in tone and cannot include logos, mascots, branding, or any other people in the photo. We recommend standing in front of a simple or blurred background, using natural light if possible (outside or by a window), but avoid having a light source directly behind you.
Sample Headshots