International Projects Manual
The Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University is one of the United States’ largest and most respected graduate schools of public health. Its faculty and students undertake research, education, and service initiatives in areas as diverse as globalization of emerging infections, health care policy, cancer, reproductive health, violence, environmental health, asthma, clean water, disaster preparedness, HIV/AIDS, and biostatistics.
While headquartered in New York City, the Mailman School increasingly carries out programs and projects in international sites, primarily in resource-poor countries. These range from one-person part-time research operations to multi-million dollar programs implemented by country offices. They are funded by various donor agencies, among which U.S. government agencies and private foundations are most prominent.
This International Projects Manual applies to the majority of Mailman School’s international activities, most of which are small in scale. When warranted by the greater size and complexity of an international operation, the manual refers the reader to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the Mailman School’s ICAP. Click here to read the manual.
Read the full manual here.