Zoom Webinars and Lectures
The University has made Zoom, an interactive platform for webinars and lectures, available to all faculty and teaching fellows. Please contact your department administrator or academic liaison to receive a link to your Zoom classroom meeting. You should then share that link with your students via Canvas or email to invite them to the Zoom session.
department contacts to receive Zoom links:
Paul McCullough
Environmental Health Sciences
Nina Kulacki
Liliane Zaretsky
Elizabeth Ferrari
Health Policy and Management
Amina Williams
Population and Family Health
Chelsea Kolff
Sociomedical Sciences
Charmagne Jones
Your academic liaisons will provide you step-by-step instructions on when and how to access your Zoom link. Should you need additional support, the Office Educational Programs (msph-oep@columbia.edu) will be available to assist.
Academic coordinators in all the departments have been trained in Zoom. A guide for Zooms meeting controls is available here: mailman.columbia.edu/zoomcontrols. IT can provide additional support (msph-tickets@cumc.columbia.edu).