Paper Reduction Initiative

Dear Colleagues,
Mailman was first to accept a challenge from the University’s Environmental Stewardship Office last year to be a greener school through reducing our overall use of printed paper, and we have been making steady progress with an overall drop in paper use of by almost 23 percent in our first year. But there is still more that we can do. Starting in September, we will double-down in our efforts to lower paper consumption around Mailman.
This year we will be inviting groups around campus to join together in the Mailman Paper Reduction Challenge. Activities for generating points for your group, along with the along with the levels and prizes awarded are available on the school website. At the end of each semester, the Mailman Green Champions will tally the points and provide a buffet lunch for the groups that accumulate the most points and have largest increase in points from the previous semester.
We can change the culture around campus by adopting greener behaviors and becoming paper reduction evangelists. We can make a difference in groups, and as individuals in the global community.
Every ton of paper used destroys an average of 24 trees. Processing that much paper uses enough energy to power the average American home for six months, consumes the equivalent of 7,000 gallons of water, produces 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space, and creates the equivalent of one metric ton of carbon in greenhouse gas emissions.
We cut our paper use by almost a quater last year. Let's keep up the momentum.
Please join us in saving trees, water and money, and share your ideas for how we can exceed our goal.
Mailman’s Green Champions