Be the Expert

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Episode details
Be the Expert: Episode 7: No urban legend.. (part 2 - opportunistic pathogens in the built environment)
Description: In part two of this series, our hosts bring you a Review titled "Climate change and opportunistic pathogens (OPs) in the built environment", published in the Journal of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors. Learn about how three key OPs are making themselves at home in our premise plumbing and posing a serious risk to our health.
Article: Juliette O’Keeffe. Climate change and opportunistic pathogens (OPs) in the built environment. Environmental Health Review. 65(3): 69-76.
Be the Expert: Episode 6: No urban legend.. (part 1 - Urban air pollution and heat island effect)
Description: In part one of "No urban legend", Marc and Adesh explore a recently published Review that looks at the health impacts from urban air pollution and the urban heat island effect. This Review, titled “Urban Air Pollution, Urban Heat Island and Human Health: A Review of the Literature”, was published in the journal Sustainability, in July 2022. The authors also looked at some innovative urban planning and technological solutions that might improve the health of people living in urban environments, as well as mitigative strategies to tackle the urban heat island effect.
Article: Piracha A, Chaudhary MT. Urban Air Pollution, Urban Heat Island and Human Health: A Review of the Literature. Sustainability. 2022; 14(15):9234.
Episode 5: Climate change and mental health
Description: In Episode 5, Marc and Adesh explore two articles published in the Lancet Planetary Health, that look at climate anxiety amongst the global youth, as well as the methodology of studies that assess the links between climate change and mental health outcomes.
Episode 4: Be careful of what you breathe - minimizing the health impacts of air pollution
Description: In our fourth episode of Be the Expert, Marc and Adesh bring you a recently published article from the British Medical Journal (BMJ), titled "Reducing the health impacts of ambient air pollution". The World Health Organisation states that over 90% of humans live in regions where air quality is harmful to our health. Tune in to hear how air pollution affects health, and how we can minimise these impacts through adaptation and mitigation.
Episode 3: Pandora's Box of Bugs
Description: In this episode, we look at how hundreds of infectious diseases that affect human health, are being driven by climate change, through various pathways - including the thawing of ice! This podcast features a great article published in nature climate change, titled "Over half of known human pathogenic diseases can be aggravated by climate change".
Article: Mora, C., McKenzie, T., Gaw, I.M. et al. Over half of known human pathogenic diseases can be aggravated by climate change. Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 869–875 (2022).
Episode 2: A disproportionate impact - the effects of climate change on women's health
Description: In Episode 2, Adesh and Marc explore a paper published in the Journal of Climate change and Health, which focused on the impact that climate drivers are having on women's health in the US. This Review included some great original articles, which you will hear further details about in this podcast.
Article: Emily Sbiroli, Julia Geynisman-Tan, Natasha Sood, Ben Allan Maines, Justin Hyuck-Jin Junn, Cecilia Sorensen, Climate change and women's health in the United States: Impacts and opportunities, The Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 8, 2022, 100169, ISSN 2667-2782,
Episode 1: Hot, hotter, hottest
Description: “In Episode 1 of “Be the Expert”, our hosts Adesh Sundaresan and Marc Futernick dive into a Review article from the New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst on how extreme heat events affect health systems, followed by a modelling study on 28 East Asian cities, which explored the impacts of nighttime warming on mortality”
1. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery 2022; 07. DOI:
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