Certified Health Education Specialist Exam
We believe that the rigorous Health Communication Certificate and Health Promotion Research and Practice Certificate curricula prepare our students for the CHES exam. Therefore, the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion will sponsor Health Communication and Health Promotion Research and Practice students that would like to take the CHES exam. The Center will also assist students with exam preparation by providing access to the The Health Education Specialist: A Companion Guide for Professional Excellence, 7th Edition (CHES study text) and facilitating study groups among registered students.
The Lerner Center only offers support for the April exam (second-year students) as we want our students to have completed the majority of their MSPH coursework before taking the exam. Registration for the April 2025 exam is now open. Registration will close on November 27th at 12pm.
The Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®) examination is a competency-based tool used to measure possession, application and interpretation of knowledge in the Seven Areas of Responsibility for Health Education Specialists delineated by A Competency-Based Framework for Health Education Specialists 2015. The exam reflects the entry-level Sub-competencies of these Areas of Responsibility.
A CHES® is an individual that has:
- met required academic preparation qualifications
- successfully passed a competency-based examination administered by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.
- satisfies the continuing education requirement to maintain the national credential
Consisting of 165 multiple-choice questions (150 scored and 15 pilot tested), the CHES® examination is offered in paper-and-pencil format at college campuses throughout the United States. Candidates are alloted 3 hours to complete the examination.
Last year, 25 Health Communication & Health Promotion students took the CHES exam. One hundred percent of sponsored students have passed the exam. If you are interested in the Lerner Center's CHES sponsorship, email Azure Nowara at