Program Directors and Mentors


The Career MODE Program (R25GM143298) is led by a robust and experienced set of researchers and academic leaders with complementary, integrated expertise in omics and data science.

Diane Berengere Ré, PhD

Dr. Ré is a neuroscientist focused on investigating environmental risk factors and mechanisms for neurodegenerative diseases. The overarching goal of Dr. Ré's research is to make an impact in therapy and prevention of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neurodegenerative diseases through innovative and rigorously designed mechanistic and biomarker studies. Since she started her faculty appointment, she has developed a novel line of animal- and human model-based experimental research linking environmental exposures and in particular metals and pesticides to the late-onset paralytic disorder ALS. Dr. Ré's work is at the forefront of complex and poorly understood gene-environment (GxE) interactions in the etiology of ALS and, more recently, Parkinson's disease.


Iuliana Ionita-Laza, PhD

Dr. Iuliana Ionita-Laza, holds a PhD in computer science and has specific expertise in development and application of statistical methods for genomic and multi-omic research. Dr. Ionita-Laza’s research in data science emphasizes development of efficient statistical and computational methods for human genetics and statistical genomics. Dr. Ionita-Laza leads the Genomics@Columbia Program, an initiative to bring together an interdisciplinary group of investigators from multiple departments across Columbia University with research expertise in statistical/computational genomics, other omics, computational biology, and biomedical informatics.


Jeanette Stingone, PhD

Dr. Jeanette Stingone,  is an environmental epidemiologist with a focus on perinatal and pediatric health. She conducts research that couples data science techniques with epidemiologic methods to investigate how prenatal and early-life environmental exposures affect health and development throughout childhood and beyond. Currently, she is investigating how machine learning approaches can be used to uncover the combinations of multiple environmental exposures that contribute to disease and disability in children including birth defects, adverse neurodevelopment and early puberty. Dr. Stingone also has a strong interest in the use of collective science initiatives to advance public health research, and works to develop methods and approaches for data harmonization across diverse studies of environmental health.


Linda Valeri, PhD

Linda Valeri

Dr. Linda Valeri,  received her PhD in Biostatistics from Harvard University in 2013, where her dissertation focused on statistical methods for causal mediation analysis. Dr. Valeri is an expert in causal inference with a focus on statistical methods for causal mediation analysis, measurement error, and missing data. She is interested in translating statistical methods in public health to improve our understanding of mental health, environmental determinants of health, and health disparities.



The Career MODE Program is supported by administrators with project management experience with diverse consituencies.

Fernando Luque

Fernando Luque received his Bachelors from the University of Florida and his Masters from CUNY in Anthropology, where he studied the molecular ecology of S. cerevisiae. Prior to joining Columbia, Fernando worked with a fine art firm specializing in archaeometry and historical academic research for the authentication, conservation, and restoration of artifacts. At Columbia University, he previously served the Chair and faculty in the department of Environmental Health Sciences. In 2018, he helped spearhead a collaborative pediatric asthma study in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, involving clinicians, public health students, and an environmental justice organization to address a critical public health challenge. In his current role, Fernando oversees the research development of early-stage investigators through the comprehensive training, networking, and mentorship supported by this NIH/NIGMS funded R25 grant.


Past Directors

Thank you to our former Directors and coordinator, Dr. Andrea BaccarelliDr. Gary Miller, and Abby Welbourn. Dr. Baccarelli moved on to serve as the Dean of the Faculty at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Miller is leading the Columbia Center for Innovative Exposomics and the NEXUS Network for Exposomics in the US.  Abby Welbourn is the Director of Professional Research Programming and Strategic Initiatives at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Past and Current Mentors

Career MODE Mentors have established research portfolios in -omics and data science, bringing together a wealth of experience from across the nation at different institutions. Below is a brief but incomplete list of scientists that previously served or agreed to participate as Omics or Data mentors for this program. 

Name Specific expertise Institution General expertise 
Aguet, Francois Functional impact of human genetic variation and cell type-specific regulation of gene expression Broad Institute  Omics
Alvarez, Jessica State-of-the-art metabolomics with aspects of nutrition research  Emory University Omics
Baccarelli, Andrea Epigenomics as target of environmental exposures Harvard University Omics + data science
Bastarache, Lisa Research in bioinformatics, pharmacogenomics, systems biology, and translational informatics Vanderbilt University Data science
Berhane, Kiros Data science in longitudinal studies and multilevel modeling Columbia University Data science
Binder, Alexandra Analysis of high-dimensional, omic data to understand molecular mechanisms shaping cancer University of Hawai'i Data science
Breton, Carrie Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of disease in early life University of Southern California Omics + data science
Brunst, Kelly Epigenomics and mitochondriomics/mitochondrial function in childrens environmental health University of Cincinnati Omics
Cabrera, Robert Genetic engineering, functional genomics, live-cell imaging, high-throughput screening on birth defects Baylor University Omics
Cardenas, Andres Epigenetics and epigenomics University of California, Berkeley Omics + data science
Chatzi, Lida Nutrition and obesogenic exposures during pregnancy on long-term maternal and child health University of Southern California Omics
Chen, Mengjie Statistical methods to address the challenges of high-throughput technologies University of Chicago Data science
Chiuzan, Codruta Machine learning Columbia University Data science
Chung, Wendy Genomic and precision medicine for obesity, type 2 diabetes, congenital heart disease Columbia University Omics + data science
Colicino, Elena Data sciences approaches to genomics and epigenomics Mount Sinai Data science
Conneely, Karen Statistical methods for genetic & epigenetic association studies Emory University Data science
Conti, David Hierarchical modeling and Bayes model averaging as a framework for multiple genetic polymorphisms University of Southern California Data science
Coull, Brent Semiparametric regression modeling, machine learning Harvard University Data science
Cox, Nancy Large-scale integration of genomic with other omics data Vanderbilt University Data science
David, Maude Microbiota and their genomic characteristics related to health Oregon State University Omics
De Oliveira Otto, Marcia Nutritional and Cardiometabolic Disease Epidemiology in high-risk populations The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Omics + data science
Dolinoy, Dana Role of nutritional and environmental factors on the epigenome University of Michigan Omics
Dominici, Francesca Data science, Bayesian methods, and causal inference Harvard University Data science
Dudoit, Sandrine Statistical methods and software for analysis of biomedical and genomic data University of California, Berkeley Data science
Feng, Jean Interpretability and reliability of machine learning methods for biomedical applications University of California, San Francisco Data science
Fukuyama, Julia Development of statistical and computational methods to understand biological data Indiana University Data science
Garmire, Lana Integrative omics/clinic data analysis University of Michigan Data science
Genkinger, Jeanine Impact of molecular pathways and related biomarkers on cancer risk and progression Columbia University Omics
Goldsmith, Jeff Functional data analysis by developing methods for understanding patterns in large, complex datasets  Columbia University Data science
Greally, John Cellular and transcriptional regulatory changes in aging Albert Einstein  Omics
Harari, Homero Exposomics Mount Sinai Omics
Hoyo, Cathrine Epigenomics in common chronic diseases North Carolina State  Data science
Huerta-Sanchez, Emilia Theoretical, computational, and statistical models Brown University Data science
Ideraabdullah, Folami Mechanisms of epigenome modulation and genetic differences that contribute to variability University of North Carolina Omics
Im, Hae Kyung Quantitative and computational methods on genomics University of Chicago Data science
Ionita-Laza, Iuliana Development of statistical and computational methods for high-dimensional genetic and functional genomics data Columbia University Data science
Jackson, Chandra Metabolome and exposome NIEHS Omics
Jones, Dean Metabolomics and exposomics Emory University Omics
Lappalainen, Tuuli Functional genetic variation in human populations and its contribution to traits and diseases New York Genome Center Omics + data science
Lemos, Bernardo Epigenetics and epigenomics Harvard University Omics
Lin, Xihong Statistical and computational methods to analyze big data from genome, exposome, and phenome Harvard University Data science
Liu, Chunyu Genome sequencing research in population studies Boston University Data science
Lovinsky, Stephanie Exposome and lung function Columbia University Omics
Manichaikul, Ani Statistical genetics and genetic epidemiology University of Virginia Data science
Marsit, Carmen DNA methylation and miRNA as key epigenetic mechanisms Emory University Omics + data science
Mathe, Ewy Metabolomic and multi-omics; translational research NCATS/ NIH Data science
Maunakea, Alika High-throughput, genome-wide technologies that survey DNA methylation and histone modifications University of Hawai'i Omics
Miller, Gary Exposomics and metabolomics Columbia University Omics
Mukherjee, Bhramar Statistical methods for analysis of electronic health records and studies of gene-environment interaction University of Michigan Data science
Navas-Acien, Ana Genomic and epigenomic variants, and effective interventions for reducing involuntary exposures Columbia University Omics
Niedziewicki, Megan Exposome, metabolomics, and health effects  Mount Sinai Omics + data science
Palacios, Julia Development of statistical methods to understand complex stochastic phenomena Stanford University Data science
Patel, Chirag Computational & bioinformatics for high-throughput data Harvard University  Data science
Pearson, Brandon Neurotoxicology, epigenomics, cell biology, stress, and diverse model organisms Oregon State University Omics
Perzanowski, Matthew* Exposome and lung function Columbia University Omics
Pollitt, Krystal Mass spectrometry techniques (ICP-MS, LC-MS, GC-MS) and application in epidemiological studies Yale University Omics+ data science
Puga, Alvaro Gene-environment interactions during embryogenesis  University of Cincinnati Omics
Raj, Towfique Computational approaches to understand genetic factors driving neurodegenerative diseases  Mount Sinai Omics + data science
Re, Diane Genomics and epigenomics of human chronic diseases Columbia University Omics
Roede, James Epigenomics and neurotoxicity University of Colorado Omics
Rosa, Maria Exposome and lung function Mount Sinai Omics
Rose, Sherri Non-parametric machine learning for causal inference and prediction University of California, San Francisco Data science
Salas, Lucas Epigenetic mechanisms and cancer outcomes Dartmouth University Omics + data science
Schooling, Mary Evolutionary biology, cohort studies, endocrine disruptors, and Mendelian randomization City University of New York Data science
Sharpton, Thomas Microbiota and their genomic characteristics (i.e., the microbiome) related to health Oregon State University Omics
Shen, Yufeng Genomic and computational approaches for human biology and diseases Columbia University Omics + data science
Shields, Alexandra Clinical integration of genomic technologies MGH and Harvard University Omics
Shrubsole, Martha Role of microbiome on gastrointestinal cancers Vanderbilt University Omics
Sofer, Tamar Statistical and computing methods Harvard University Data science
(Lasky)-Su, Jessica Data science, population sciences, and biostatistics Harvard University Data science
Tatonetti, Nicholas Translational bioinformatics, machine learning, observational data mining, genetic networks and network analysis Columbia University Data science
Walker, Cheryl Gene-environment interactions and their role in cancer, fibroids, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Baylor University Omics
Walker, Douglas Metabolomics and exposomics Mount Sinai Omics
Wang, Kai* Genomics and bioinformatics methods to improve diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of rare diseases University of Pennsylvania Data science
Wang, Shuang Methods for gene-gene interaction in linkage analysis  Columbia University Data science
Ward-Cavinness, Cavin High-dimensional omics data to study molecular mechanisms linking environmental exposures and adverse health  Environmental Protection Agency Data science
Zhang, Hao (Helen) Transdisciplinary research in principles of data science University of Arizona Data science

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