Calendar Administrators

The Columbia Mailman School Events page includes many school-wide happenings, as well as events put on by the academic departments, research centers and programs, and administrative offices. Some events are only listed on the group's calendar (links below).  All are managed on the Columbia University Calendar System. If your event has been submitted (via Columbia's bedework platform) but has not been added to the calendar, or if you would like to explore listing options, we recommend that you reach out to the appropriate calendar administrators.

Academic Department Calendars

The academic departments host a variety of events, workshops, and meetings listed on their webpages and calendars. Administrators in each department manage those Columbia Calendar.

Public Health - Biostatistics

Erin Elliott

Public Health - Environmental Health Sciences

Erica Tyler

Public Health - Epidemiology

 Gerald Govia

Public Health - Health Policy and Management

Rebecca Schoenfeld​

Public Health - Population and Family Health

Tyliah Kekele

Public Health - Sociomedical Sciences

Yasmin Davis

School-Wide Centers Calendars & Promotion

Administrative Offices

Members of Columbia Mailman staff who work on events are encouraged to join the Microsoft Teams Public Health Events team. Email Kat Weber to join.