Student Awards
Awards Ceremony: Tuesday, May 20, 2025
A number of awards are given out during the Spring semester.
Of these, two are school-wide awards administered by the Office of Student Affairs: the Bernard Challenor Spirit Prize and the John and Kathleen Gorman Public Health Humanitarian Award. All other awards are administered by academic departments. An additional award administered by the Global Health certificate is also awarded.
Use the linked documents below to learn more about each of the school-wide awards eligibility, preferred candidates, nomination process, and more.
The Bernard Challenor Spirit Prize
Students can be nominated by self, peers, faculty, staff or administrators.
Awarded to a graduating student who demonstrates a commitment to building community across department boundaries at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.
Learn more, including eligibility and nomination information.
The John and Kathleen Gorman Public Health Humanitarian Award
Students can be nominated by faculty members only.
Awarded to any student—graduating or continuing—who demonstrates excellence in commitment to the humane care of individuals and communities, in advancing consideration of human rights, and in valuing health care and prevention.
Learn more, including eligibility and nomination information.
The Award for Excellence in Global Health
Students can be nominated by self, peers, faculty, staff or administrators.
The Award for Excellence in Global Health is given annually to one graduating Doctoral-level student and one graduating Masters-level student who have demonstrated excellence in global health research, service or practice. Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated a commitment to improving the public health of individuals and communities in low and middle income countries.
Learn more, including eligibility and nomination information.
The Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center Excellence in Aging Research Award
Students can be nominated by self, peers, faculty, staff or administrators.
The Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center Excellence in Aging Research Award is awarded to a master-level student whose thesis, Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) report, or completed APEx report shows outstanding promise for the field of aging and for building health across the life course. Master’s students interested in this award are encouraged to become involved in the Center’s community by attending aging seminars, connecting with the aging certificate leads, becoming involved in the Center’s research programs, or contributing to the student organization “Perpsectives on Aging” (PoA). To connect with the Center or PoA, email
Learn more, including eligibility and nomination information.