Survey on Climate and Health Education in Medical Schools

CLOSED for 2024-25. Please check back in the fall to join us in shaping the future of medical education!
We invite faculty, academics, and course coordinators at medical institutions to participate in a brief 5-15 minute survey assessing climate and health education in medical training.
Your participation, regardless of the presence or absence of climate and health education at your institution, is invaluable.
Your participation, regardless of the presence or absence of climate and health education at your institution, is invaluable and will contribute to an annual indicator for The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change.
Your participation is entirely voluntary, and your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. The Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education will collect and analyze the survey data in a secure platform and it will be anonymized prior to reporting. No Institution names will be reported.
The survey should take approximately 5-15 minutes to complete. If you would like to view the survey prior to entering data, you can access the PDF.
Su participación, independientemente de la presencia o ausencia de educación climática y sanitaria en su institución, es inestimable y contribuirá a la elaboración de un indicador anual de The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change.
Su participación es totalmente voluntaria y sus respuestas se mantendrán confidenciales y anónimas. El Consorcio Mundial sobre Educación para el Clima y la Salud recopilará y analizará los datos de la encuesta en una plataforma segura y se anonimizarán antes de presentar el informe. No se informarán los nombres de las instituciones.
La encuesta debería tardar aproximadamente entre 5 y 15 minutos en completarse. Si desea ver la encuesta antes de ingresar los datos, puede acceder al PDF.
Sua participação, independentemente da presença ou ausência de educação em clima e saúde em sua instituição, é inestimável e contribuirá para um indicador anual publicado no The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change.
Sua participação é totalmente voluntária e suas respostas serão mantidas em sigilo e anônimas. O Consórcio Global sobre Educação em Clima e Saúde coletará e analisará os dados da pesquisa em uma plataforma segura e os dados serão anonimizados antes da publicação. Nenhum nome de instituição será relatado.
A pesquisa deve levar aproximadamente 5 a 15 minutos para ser concluída. Se você quiser visualizar a pesquisa antes de inserir os dados, acesse o PDF.
Developed by the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE) at Columbia University, in collaboration with the World Federation for Medical Education, this survey informs a new indicator in the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change and is essential in order to inform national, regional and global investment in climate and health education.
Your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. This study protocol has been approved by Columbia University Institutional Review Board (IRB) review committee (protocol number AAAU7307). The GCCHE will collect and analyze the survey data in a secure platform and it will be anonymized prior to reporting. No Institution name will be reported.
Why Your Participation Matters:
- Your responses will contribute to tracking the global integration of climate change into medical curriculum.
- Your insights will help us inform efforts to improve the availability of climate and health educational resources.
- Your voice will help us empower the next generation of medical professionals to tackle climate-related health challenges.
Who Should Complete this Survey:
- Faculty, course directors, and/or staff who design or teach climate/planetary health content.
- Members or leads of education/curriculum committees or offices.
- Associate or Assistant Deans.
The survey is closed. Thank you for being a part of this important initiative!