How much does CSRI Boot Camp cost?
The cost of the 2025 program is $20,960 in tuition and $1,518 in fees for a total of $22,478. Tuition is set by Columbia University and the $2,096 per credit tuition rate is non-negotiable. Mandatory University student fees and the costs of program materials are included in the fee portion.
What are the dates for CSRI 2025?
The program will run from Monday, July 7 - Friday, August 8 in an in-person format. Classes, labs, seminars, and other program events will be held on weekdays between the hours of 8am and 6pm. Additional time outside the scheduled events is also required to complete assignments and projects, watch pre-recorded videos, and meet with instructors and mentors.
How much of CSRI 2025 will be in-person?
All classes and labs will be held in-person. Some 1:1 meetings and special program events may be held over Zoom.
Can I just take one or two classes in CSRI Boot Camp?
No. Our boot camp courses are integrated.
Am I eligible to participate in CSRI?
Our program is specifically designed for post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty who want to pursue academic research careers. Applicants should have a doctorate degree in a clinical discipline and a strong desire to obtain independent research funding.
Are there any scholarships?
We are pleased to offer a limited number of scholarship awards that will cover between $3,000 to $10,000 of CSRI tuition. Applicants who have already submitted their application to CSRI 2025 may also submit the CSRI 2025 Scholarship Application form to be considered for an award. Find CSRI 2025 application procedures, requirements and links here.
Can I use my CSRI course credits for a degree?
Yes! The 10 credits from the CSRI Boot Camp may be applied to a formal degree program. CSRI now offers alums of Boot Camp the opportunity to earn a master's degree by taking just one to two courses per semester and another intensive summer with CSRI. This accelerated program allows students who work full time to concentrate the bulk of their courses in two summers (including Boot Camp), but requires key deliverables throughout the regular semester so that students can maintain a steady level of training. See more here.
Why should I participate in CSRI if I can just take the courses in the regular academic year?
CSRI Boot Camp courses are integrated with one another to provide a comprehensive and fully-immersive experience. Our courses are geared specifically towards post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty in clinical disciplines and our instructors provide relavent and current examples of concepts in lectures and labs. The goal of the CSRI curriculum is to provide a foundation for an independent research career. Our students complete the 10 credits over the course of the program all while participating in critical reading sessions, career development seminars, and one-on-one mentoring. The network that our students build through participating in CSRI is invaluable.
How do I apply?
Find CSRI 2025 application procedures, requirements and links here. Decisions are made on a rolling basis, typically within a month of submission.
Can I speak to someone about the program?
Of course. Please email csri@columbia.edu to set-up a phone appointment.